Birds of late

Over the weekend the Hummers began coming to our feeders, visual sightings, that had been infrequent at best since migration this Spring, began to be more usual, with today being a day of acrobatic two-some between two young male RT’s.

It’s a rainy day today. Warm and muggy, with the rain stopped for now. I heard the musky mellow sound of an Eastern Bluebird close by, through the glass door. So I went out, and had a hard time spotting where the bird was. I saw many House Finches sitting on the fence under the Locust Tree, and in the tree itself. Another House Finch sitting up the fence line a ways. Big black birds in the yard next door, no doubt searching for worms and bugs.

On our rooftop there was music being played … a Northern Mockingbird, singing away, song after song, call after call, ever mocking others. Finally I spotted the bird I was searching for, right in front of me … sitting on a post of the “box tower” the end climbing structure on the “Jungle”. It was Mr. Bluebird. He was quiet after I went out searching for the Bluebird that was singing. Mr. Bluebird is so blue. Intensely so, the exact shade of blue I love. Gorgeous blue, gorgeous voice.

I was distracted then by Mr or Mrs Mockingbird on our roof, and after watching that bird awhile, I noticed Mr. Bluebird was gone from the post, but a cacaphony of little bird voices right at that moment gave away his position … he was checking on his babies.

Birds and their sounds, it’s a great hobby. So now the Hummingbirds are back. The distinctive “chatter” they make, the “whirring” sound of their wings as they get closer … it brings a delightful chill to the spine to hear these things … for it means you’ll get a peak at them. They are such fun to watch!

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