Over the weekend the Hummers began coming to our feeders, visual sightings, that had been infrequent at best since migration this Spring, began to be more usual, with today being a day of acrobatic two-some between two young male RT’s.
It’s a rainy day today. Warm and muggy, with the rain stopped for now. I heard the musky mellow sound of an Eastern Bluebird close by, through the glass door. So I went out, and had a hard time spotting where the bird was. I saw many House Finches sitting on the fence under the Locust Tree, and in the tree itself. Another House Finch sitting up the fence line a ways. Big black birds in the yard next door, no doubt searching for worms and bugs.
On our rooftop there was music being played … a Northern Mockingbird, singing away, song after song, call after call, ever mocking others. Finally I spotted the bird I was searching for, right in front of me … sitting on a post of the “box tower” the end climbing structure on the “Jungle”. It was Mr. Bluebird. He was quiet after I went out searching for the Bluebird that was singing. Mr. Bluebird is so blue. Intensely so, the exact shade of blue I love. Gorgeous blue, gorgeous voice.
I was distracted then by Mr or Mrs Mockingbird on our roof, and after watching that bird awhile, I noticed Mr. Bluebird was gone from the post, but a cacaphony of little bird voices right at that moment gave away his position … he was checking on his babies.
Birds and their sounds, it’s a great hobby. So now the Hummingbirds are back. The distinctive “chatter” they make, the “whirring” sound of their wings as they get closer … it brings a delightful chill to the spine to hear these things … for it means you’ll get a peak at them. They are such fun to watch!