Dog Days of Summer –in November?

It’s been hot the last week. Very “un-November-like” Add muggy to it yesterday and today, and understand that I might as well be in a jungle, minus the tropical zap. This kind of hot and humid just is icky and make ones cranky. We are without A/C now too, so that just makes it nearly unbearable for me. I like a nice medium-dry 70 degrees, on the nose. This is anything but that. Plus the house doesn’t get good cross-breeze, not even one good example of it exists here, but one semi-cross-breeze situation exists IF there is a steady wind. 🙂 but really 🙁

OK, that’s part of the situation. We also had some visitors show up on Nov 1, and they are still here. Two pups, and they go to the vet this afternoon for a checkup. It’s been “fun” to say the least. Heat and pups and a house that is still not organized sufficiently.

We had cleared out the “basement” family room of all junk, so that the pups could be there. Well, it’s not working out. I can’t be there all the time, so accidents aren’t always pre-empted. Night time we crate them. It worked fine the first night. Second day through yesterday there was poop in the crate with them in the morning. After the first time of that, I checked them during the night whenever I would awake on my own, or hear anything out of them. Well, whenever I checked they’d pooped already, or hadn’t pooped. So in either case I sent them out in the yard, and cleaned up if the crate needed cleaned, then put the pups back in the crate after they’d done whatever they did in that dark big yard.

In the case of finding nothing in the crate, wouldn’t you know it, there’d be something there by first light. I have found no way to figure this one out as of yet.

Well last night we had no crate for them. It was really smeared on inside, so I took it outside to hose it off and soak some spots. It was there when it started to rain, and I left it there. It never stopped raining so that I could get it cleaned and dried … so the pups weren’t crated last night. And they wouldn’t sleep at all. They made a racket a few times, and I went down and sent them out to go potty, but they came back quickly. At 3am I went down and stepped in a pile. Ugh. What is it with pups! Ample opportunity to do it outside at night, and they don’t. Well, with two of them, it’s just a bigger bunch of stuff to clean. I see them doing there thing during the day. They are full of it, from all appearances.

We are feeding them raw, but don’t know what they’d been eating up to Saturday morning. They love the chicken and fish we’ve given them thus far. We are geering up for a broader knowledge of raw feeding pups and dogs. We already raw feed the cats.

So today we will get them to the vet to be checked over for health, and hopefully we can determine an age, and to see what they are. They are Shepherd pups, but what kind of a mix, I have not the eye to tell.

I had the hens out in the yard divided by breed. The four Wyandottes were in the Superyard with corrugated metal roofing panels for a lid. The events of last night have brought me to put the Wyandottes back into the big pen with the Leghorns, and bring the Superyard into the kitchen for the pups. I need to keep them by me all day. And they’ll be in the crate all night. They can go into the yard for free time and when they learn to only “do their thing” outside, we can expand their freedom inside bit by bit.

Dogs and Children — obedience training is the similar. We get the lesson from a better point of view this time. These are young pups, just don’t know how Old-Young they are. The children love them, and I look forward to seeing them grow into beautiful adult dogs, good companions. The children too! Having a pup to take care of is stimulating to the environment … gets projects underway to fix things, that push is a welcomed one.

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