Tag: Weather

  • Autumn and Birds

    It’s Autumn now so I need to get the bird feeders setup for the colder months soon. I have both mixed seeds and black oil sunflower seeds, so I need to see if I have enough useful feeders to keep them both going on the porch this autumn season and winter too. Over last winter…

  • Rain; Migraine; Cheeseburger Macaroni

    It’s been raining a lot lately. Thunderstorms, warnings, flash flood watches, etc. Last year it was like this around now. Both in 2012 and this year we had rain on the 4th of July, but windows of no rain opened up to let us do our fireworks in the evening. That is so awesome! July…

  • A/C Sensor Bad

    A/C guy was here yesterday. He checked everything and finally told us “it’s this sensing module that is bad” The basic long and short of it is, I don’t really know why we need it, guess it’s a fine tuner, making everything work well no matter what temps you put in or something. He said…

  • Winter Begins

    Winter has begun fully for us this week. It’s not “officially Winter” but the “season is here. Yesterday it snow flurried for hours, but no accumulation. Today it’s very cold, still below freezing, reaching that mark maybe, but probably not quite. It’s 31.6 degrees F. on my front porch digital temperature thing, it’s connected wirelessly…

  • Still Snowing

    The snow is STILL coming down, now it’s 5pm. It’s been falling thickly for so long now and the snow must be 4+” by now. I will put some pictures here in a bit.

  • Winter Weather in the South

    It’s March 1st and we are having our first real “Winter Storm” of the year. It’s been Spring-like for a while, many things are blooming. It’s been raining since Friday night (and had some lightning/thunder as well) –off and on, and the ground is mushy and over-wet, even more than that in places, deep puddles…

  • A Short Trip and Weather

    We’re going to FL for a couple of days, hubby has work there. I hope to get something in order for pictures (sorting, burning to discs, uploading, etc. Editing video … ) while we are there, since I won’t be at home with all the distractions … it’ll be a maybe, of course, since other…

  • Under the weather

    Last week Baby Q wasn’t feeling well, and neither was I, as well as two of the older children coughing a lot. The coughing seems to have come from a previous “cold” that was in the family … residual leftover maybe from when we all had a cold a few weeks ago (from now) ……

  • November 8 ’07 – First Fireplace Morning

    I’ve known for a few days that the weather would be cooler and cooler this week, and so prepared for wanting a fire in the fireplace this morning. Indeed, it’s nice. Outside it’s frosty. It was frosty yesterday, but not nearly so much as today shows Jack’s visit (on the grass and the vehicles parked…

  • November – Holiday Season begins

    Holiday Season is right around the corner. It’s November now, which means in our household we have Thanksgiving and then our DD’s Birthday, or visa-versa, depending on the year. (She was born in 1998 on the 25th, the day before Thanksgiving.) This year Thanksgiving is three days before her b-day. It always makes for a…

  • April Freeze and Gardening 2007

    From Friday night to Saturday morning it was supposed to be really cold, just below freezing. I don’t think that actually happened on our property … yes it was cold, but not quite to freezing, from how the grass and blooms and herbs and such look in our yard(s) as of Saturday afternoon … Now…

  • Happy November (2005)

    It’s now November, another increment of 2005 gone … the years go by faster and faster as you get older … this I know from experience and from the knowlege imparted to me by elders over time. At some points time seems to crawl and others to fly fastly by, but this is not what…

  • Autumn is truly here

    I got an audio book from Audible today, for the Autumn season … it’s not a “Halloween” thing, we “don’t do halloween”. It’s a spooky audio book though. The cool weather has finally arrived. It was unseasonably warm (really hot) just the other week, and the last four or five days has been heavenly. Tonight…

  • Biblical Christianity and Catastrophes

    Bret McAtee has a great post about the New Orleans situation and Biblical Christianity. If y’all have read my earlier Hurricane Katrina posts, you might know that I have heard the “cess pool” term used in description of New Orleans, physically, on TWC and remarked at how that is a spiritually fitting term, also I…

  • Katrina’s Tail End

    We are still under Tornado Watch and possible flash flood watch … but that seems to be one that affects those more by creeks and rivers, pond, streams, lakes, etc. We don’t have one that close. It’s not that we won’t ever be flooded, but it’s less likely where we are. We have had lots…

  • A Tribute to Katrina

    I made up a new poem-ic phrase while IM’ing with Frankie last night: Rumble, rumble, boil and crumble. You know — the witchy brew chanting of literary edges … it’s a play on that. Offshoot tornadoes, awesome power in storms such as Katrina. If you watch the news [about Katrina] you’ll see some things from…

  • Under Tornado Warnings

    We are under particular Tornado Warnings/Watches this evening. Just a while ago, oh about an hour ago already, I heard a bunch of rumblings to the South, and sure enough it was dark out that way, and lighting could be seen cloud to cloud. It then started to be the more dangerous type, ground to…

  • Tropical rain begins

    We have sprinkles starting, the sky is dark grey and blackish clouds … and it’s a large area of such. The radar for our state shows rain over us and growing. The county next to us to the west has/had tornado warnings. So … the evening rainy thundersomeness of tropical moisture has begun for us.…

  • Georgia Clouds – Tropical Connection to Katrina

    I took a few pictures of some clouds forming and coming in, from the Westerly direction. Beautiful clouds. Here are two of the pictures.

  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina coverage on the Weather Channel is what I’ve been watching the last few days on and off, I watched it through this past night (when I was awake, as I was and have been the last several days, a pattern that I go through often enough, it’s not unusual) and so I’ve seen…