Trying to do some things

I’ve set my computer up again. I had it sleeping for the last quite a few days, totally disinterested in much of anything having to do with the computer. I went to a few sites via my husbands desktop during that time, but did very, very, very little.

I forced myself to open my ‘puter back up. After the right after miscarriage happened I started to burn CD’s of all my stuff, to distract me away from the events of the evening before, and I did do alot of burning, but burned myself out of even doing that. I’m doing this as I’ve wanted to re-do my ‘puter for many months, but had no initiative to begin what needed to be done, re-organizing the data, and burning backup discs.

So I’m mostly done burning, but need to do a bit more.

Then I’m going to wipe my hard drive clean and re-install. Then have to put my data back in place in a very, super orderly fashion, and keep it orderly, more so than I had done.

So, here I am, posting again, and I’ll try to force myself to do some every so often, though I’m not enjoying reading much else online most of the time. I do so much appreciate any of you who stop by and say “hi”. I really need cheery friends, and hope to bounce back one of these days. 🙁

I’m collecting eggs most days, and baking bread, and playing with my bread cultures. It’s harder to do most everything else. We’ve been blessed with a great church family, and have had meals provided, just having to re-heat mostly and serve.

Most days are blah, I don’t cry as much since Friday, April 2, 2004, though I sure feel as if I should cry more, and inside I guess I am. It’s hard to see other babies, see pregnant women, think of birthday parties coming up in September and November for two of our young uns. But life goes on, I’m just several steps behind.


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