Month: June 2004

  • Australorp Eggs

    Here are some egg pictures. The light brown egg is a Wyandotte egg, and the two darker brown eggs are Australorp eggs. These are the first two Australorp eggs, from Monday and Tuesday. Just shy of 22 weeks of age is when they started. Today, Wednesday, June 30, 2004 they are 22 weeks old. 🙂…

  • How to re-install a Sony: clean install with a dedicated OEM Win XP Home Disc

    I learned alot yesterday, when re-installing Windows on the laptop. My recovery cd’s are three. #2 decided it wouldn’t work (cyclic redundancy, lots of scratches that came from WHERE?) I used these very discs in the Summer of 2003 for the first time. They were in there packages since then. That’s the way it goes.…

  • Clean re-install of WIN XP on laptop

    Today I am going to be re-installing the OS on my laptop (SONY Vaio PCG-GRV550). It’s been in place for many months, close to a year , in fact, nearly just that. I forgot, but searching my archives I recalled that I last reinstalled July 18, 2003. That dratted Coke Spill Incident which pushed my…

  • Homeschooling, what we are

    Salvador Dali Melting clocks are not a problem inyour reality. You are an unschooler. You willtolerate a textbook, but only as a last resort.Mud is your friend. You prefer hands-oneverything. If your school had an anthem, itwould be Dont Worry, Be Happy. What Type of Homeschooler Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Ha ha…

  • Curly Girl Hair

    UPDATE: I am seriously re-thinking how this post should be done, and have changed the middle part of it, adding a paragraph and some photos. I really see an entire project in this topic coming about, and so … you will see future changes to this post, and maybe who knows what! It’s own section…

  • The Grail

    I’m nearly done with the Pendragon series. These books are interesting. The Arthur legend from a Christian viewpoint. The last book, The Grail, is getting a bit weirdo to me, but that’s actually part of the whole series, that The Grail is such an important element of Christianity. I’ll reserve total judgement on this once…

  • My New Blue

    First off the music. It’s the whole album, the whole thing. I like both Styx “The Grand Illusion” and “Paradise Theater” in particular. Recently I found an old cassette tape of PT and so we went out and found both the above on CD. Ah, the good stuff once again! Frank went out and got…

  • Clickable Links and About the Photo Log

    I just installed a new thing for making links clickable. The above link is my Photo Log, done in MT. I’m waiting to know what I want to do with it, convert it to WP as it’s own thing, or incorporate it into this WP installation. EXHIBIT is a great plugin that’s in development…

  • My Cool Friend

    See my new friend? He’s smiling, green and really cool, well, as cool as he can be given the degree of heat 😉 The three pictures aren’t exactly the same: one of them you can see the fan moving in. The other two, the fan was moving when the photo was snapped, but the flash…

  • My Very British Name

    My very British name is Margaret Chamberlain.Take The Very British Name Generator today!Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Name Generator Generator. My Maiden Name is: My very British name is Margaret Salisbury.Take The Very British Name Generator today!Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Name Generator Generator.

  • Comment Previews

    I’ve implemented a comments preview hack to WP. I’ll work it out to look better later. This forces every commenter to preview their comment before it can be posted. But the nice thing is, you can keep on fixing your post and previewing it on the wp-comments-review.php page, as many times as need be, before…

  • WP for All Things

    I run our church’s website. I was waiting for MT3 to come up before doing more with it, I’ve been sluggy wuggy about doing anything with it at all. [not wanting to use MT2.6+ forever and ever amen.] So now I’m trying to decide what to do, what to do, what to do. I do…

  • WP and blacklisting spammers

    Reformed theology says, rightly, that man is totally depraved … and that’s so true and very viewable when one sees the crud that people [spammers] force on nice little blogs via comments.

  • Horrid Things

    I’m absolutly horrified. I went to check the bluebird babies just a bit ago, and there were ants streaming up the fence by the box,

  • Testing Meta custom fields

    (Update added 06-08-2004 10:50am) I am testing a WP feature, the meta custom fields. This post will show what I’m reading, eventually, if I can make it work. Does it show up? Yes it is working. Here’s what I did, as I wrote on the WP Support Forum:

  • Strider and Dixie

    Photos of two cats

  • Baby Bluebirds!

    I checked the Eastern Bluebird Nestbox yesterday AM, and there were little baby bluebirds in the nest! I’ll check them out today, to be sure it’s four, or another number. I didn’t delve deeply into the nest yesterday.