Jeanne was here and now gone. Tropical Storm Jeanne is the third such type of storms in the last month to go through North Georgia. We really needed the rain! Thanks be to Almighty God for his provision.
I understand that it will seem I’m endorsing the destruction that came before … but I’m not. It’s in God’s hands, the storms and the paths they take. It’s in God’s hands to direct what happens in a storm. May we all learn the lessons that God would have us learn.
So we had Frances, then Ivan, now Jeanne.
In Florida Charley was before Frances, but we didn’t get any of Charley, and they didn’t get any of Ivan.
Frances gave us lots of rain and some gusty wind
Ivan gave us lots of rain and lots of wind –pretty steady pounding
Jeanne gaves us lots of rain and some gusty wind
According to a city near us, they got “almost” 4-inches of rain from each of the three storms. I think we got more than that locally, at least 4-inches, but I have no scientific readings to base it on, just the stuff on the deck that fills up with water, not rain gauges just other “stuff”, as well as seeing the rain come down one can “gauge” fairly well.
So we are in too-much-rain-this-monthism, but in not-enough-rain-in-previous-months-itis. How does September stack up to reduce that deficit? Not sure yet. I have to look and find that data.
It’s a blue sky sunny day today, after a rainy all day Monday, and a Sunday morning before that which was the last the sun was seen until today. The Sun came up Sunday morning with the fringe clouds of Jeannes furthest North tail showing right behind. Those clouds moved ever closer in, but weren’t thickly dispersed, and the sun peaked in and out of that floaty stuff. But by afternoon the soppy tropical air had arrived. The eveneing we saw some sprinkles come down on the windshield as we drove home from church. Later that night light rain began, and it got heavier and heavier the next day, and was the heaviest in the afternoon/early evening. Then it was mostly light down to sprinkles and we awoke to a clear sky this morning!
I don’t know what happened in our region, we were under flood warnings, of course, so those close to creeks and such might have encountered flooding. Also, invariably trees snap or fall over from all the rain and wind. We haven’t seen any such in our little subdivision though.
4 responses to “Jeanne, Jeanne the water machine”
We are getting quite a bit of water now…and a flooding basement again. ๐
Hope everything is drying up nicely there! ๐
Hey, you! I just found out today that you have a blog!
Hi Kelly! Glad to see you here!
Cloaking device failed. ๐ Not really that, I just don’t advertise myself everywhere. Eventually that’ll mean somehow a connection is made somewhere …
Well, you’ve known me as Sue, and that is my favorite part of my name, just haven’t convinced anyone to call me just that ‘cept online. So it makes me wonder why I ever called myself “Marysue” on my blog. I’ve fallen hard into my dumbo trap.
My name is flung about the fiction writing sites in a very unflattering way … so I sometimes wonder if people think Marysue is really my name, or not. It is.
So we, more recently than not, decided here at home that I’m “Maisy”, and that’s what I am now. Reinventing oneself isn’t so hard. ๐
Tamara, the water absorbed nicely. Hope it’s not so bad for y’all there now.
We are into a new month now, and had a little bit of rain on Saturday. It’ll be interesting to see if we can stay ontop of the water shortage or drop back into it again, these next few months. All in all, it was such a great thing to get three big storms is such close proximity of time, we got way too much water, but we really needed it!