Eggs for Jan 22 2005

1-22-2005 Egg Count:

Total Eggs: 0

Frank and I just went out and checked for eggs, and there were none. That was 1:00 PM.

The weather is rather nasty. It’s foggy/hazy very wet mist all the way to the ground, with everything coated with a light wet film of water. The air is supposedly 37 with a feels like of 33. It’s biting to the bone cold feeling, but mild at the same point as I went out in my thermal cotton long sleeve dress, thin socks and slip on shoes. So if I had been dressed for about freezing I wouldn’t have been so cold, well maybe. The only cold thing about me now since being in for several minutes is cold toes and cold fingers. 🙂

I’ll go out armed with better warming clothing and check later, well sooner than later. I’m hoping for eggs at 1:10 and 2pm, which would be an hour later each respectively from yesterdays egg layings. I’m not SURE we’ll get them, but hoping. Day before that we had three white eggs and a brown egg. Every other day layers would mean at least a white egg and a brown egg today, if not more. I assume that the white eggs of yesterday are from the same hens as laid on the 4 egg day, as One of the timings matches up with that theory — not both, but then who knows what they are doing out there! 😉

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