It’s cold today. Yesterday it was too, but the sun was out in full force. Overcast here today. So it’s decidedly colder feeling in the house today.
Here is our Fireplace from just a few minutes ago:
Ah, nice and warm. Well, IT is. Being right by it is toasty. ๐
But I have a series of pictures that show that the sun IS coming soon! Here they are:
This is facing South, off the deck.
A bit to the Southwest.
This one is from the front of the house, just a bit more West than the previous photo.
Moreso West/Northwest
Moreso Northwest than the previous photo
Here is a closeup of all the Blue to the West then. Nothing behind it. The clouds are moving to the East-ish, and so there should be SUN any minute. ๐
That’ll work. Sun in the windows at the back of the house for a bit will be a vast improvement.
It’s supposed to get to 46 degrees or even to 49 degrees today. We shall see. Right now it’s 27 or so. Brrr. ๐