Another First Egg
It’s 12:10pm, and I finally went out to feed the hennies. No green egg, but in the SuperYard nest box, there was a long skinny white egg! It’s been so long since any of them have laid. 🙂 I was glad to see their box filled with hay and a circular nest depression in it.…
Worse Cold of the Season
I’ve had some sniffly sore throat things this “winter season” but nothing like the one I’m enduring now. Yesterday was the worst day since symptoms started, with it culminating with me hightailing it to bed just after 7pm. Too miserable to sit in a chair anylonger. Too miserable to stand around. Just needed to chill…
First Egg of 2005
Prize goes to — Hawklady! I was sluggish getting out to the hens today, and just finished re-haying the laying nest boxes and feeding them. This weekend I came down with a cold/virus, minor sore throat, allergy scratchylike really, on Friday, Saturday it was worse, but still not “cold like” but then woke up Sunday…
Another little Quiz
I found this via Kelly’s blog. It’s pretty right on, with me being an INTP with a quarter E thrown in, but most ENTP descriptions fit me fine with everything, exeception that I gain energy from being alone, internally which is Introvert, as an E gains it from being with others which is Extrovert. That’s…
Early Book Memories
I posted this on Carmon’s site today as a comment, and figured I should put it on my own site as a full entry! 🙂 So here it is: I remember from very early childhood “The Color Kittens†it really drew me in, as did also “The Poky Little Puppy”. I loved them both. In…
Book Meme
Our library is not all out of boxes, so I couldn’t do total checking, but by all accounts I do believe I have little of what Carmon (she who went before me book-meme-wise) did write down. Here’s how it works. Copy the list, then remove from it the names of any authors not in your…
Wikki Stix
Wikki Stix are cool, fun, made in the USA and cheap. We have only come into contact with them physically at one place. Ted’s Montana Grill. Wikki Stix are available to restaurants, and other businesses from their website. Restaurants usually have crayons and paper things for children. Do you know how argumentative that can be…
Weather stays mild; Hens
The weather has been so very mild the last few weeks, and it’s continuing on. The current 15-day Outlook is giving us another week or more of this mild weather, with colder temps then coming in, but still only down to the mid-low-30’s at night, and into the low-50’s for day. Last year we didn’t…
Trackback and Pings
Lesson Learned: Trackback DOES work for me, just the Virtual Site thing isn’t able to work it since I’m using WP for it, and not .htaccess. Put this in your wp-comments php file, where the php bloginfo(‘url’) is the only code for a Trackback Link. It’ll allow you to display your Post ID trackback link,…
Misspelt: learned something more
CUCKOO-SPIT, CUCKOO-SPITTLE, n. A dew or exudation found on plants, especially about the joints of lavender and rosemary. Or a froth or spume found on the leaves of certain plants, as on white field-lychnis or catch-fly, called sometimes spatling poppy. I spelled Lavender as “lavendar” in the Either/Or previous post today (edited to reflect…
Either/Or Fun for the New Year
Carmon now has RSS via WP as her weblog … way to go Carmon! I also found this little frivolity on Carmon’s Site: My answers are in BOLD below the numbered line options. 1. Pillow – Down or Polyester or Foam I prefer Down but don’t own any [yet] due to cost 2. Facial or…