This past weekend I de-rats-nested Asa’s hair. He has wavy hair, soft waves, and in the back it just gets snarled all up easily, if I don’t specially care for it EVERY day, which is the problem. I have just “let it go” on most days if we are going nowhere, as is often the case. You can “brush” or “comb” curly hair, it frizzes it out something horrible and damages it. Wavy hair is the same, yet not as bad. For Asa, his gets puffy funny if combed out when it’s been washed last a few days before.
So I do have to give him a daily finger combing, I do that for myself, surely should do that for him! I “washed” his hair with conditioner when I de-nested his hair. It ended up being so nice. It was a painful time, but worth every ounce of my patience and that little boys painful howling here and there as I unsnarled the dead hair matted into the living hair. He mentions “scissors” as being something to use a few times, and I told him “no way!”
His hair is longer on the sides now, it hangs down and the curl is showing there and int he front finally. Curls have to be allowed to come out on heads that have them. Many don’t know the lovely waves they would have if they just “let it grow out”. His hair is curling out and under now, a full wave effect and it’s really cut on him. I have it parted on the side, and am trying to get him to naturally finger comb it lightly over his forehead so that it arches up to sweep to the side cutely. He’s more into smashing it backwards so far, which defeats the curling, but I have the patience to work it out with him.
Boys with hair are often seen as “girls” when we go out. My boys are. It’s frightfully bothersome to me, they look like boys and dress like boys, the little girl with us has long pretty hair and where’s dresses, skirts, etc. No pants. I, the Mother, wear dresses and skirts, etc. No pants. So why would the Daddy be dressed like a boy, and two females be dressed like girls, but two other children be dressed like boys and be called girls? Their hair isn’t girly, it’s boy cute. I hold that girls should have longer hair than boys and they sure do in our family.
Anyhow, Asa has the cutest curls and he’s really coming into his curls nicely now. His best shortest length is above the shoulders, below the chin, but tapered from front to back a bit. I say curls, and mean soft curls, otherwise known as “waves”.
He and me need frequent wetting downs, but not shampoos. He can get a light shampoo with a very gentle shampoo every now and then. I need no shampoo and lots of conditioner. He needs conditioner too, just a lesser amount.
My other two children can’t take conditioner left on their hair in the slightest amount, it’s really gross on them. They have slippery straight hair overall so far. Russell has a bit of a swing to his hair, but no natural S-wave at all. His hair puffs out ugly in an odd way if it’s blown-dry with any conditioner left on it. But it won’t dry into curl at all if naturally dried with conditioner left on. I know that hair can change, and he could get curlier hair when he’s older.
Victoria just has straight hair. It’s changing color. It’s getting more and more tinges of red as time goes by. Of course she could end up with curly hair, but she shows no sign of having even “sort of” wavy hair, whereas Russell “sort of” does.
I’m a mess with getting pictures done, with my laptop dead. So if I get that all sorted out with the desktop I’ll see about getting a cute few photos of Asa’s hair from different angles one of these days.