I’m paying closer attention to Ophelia now, tropical storm whom may become a Hurricane soon. It’s interesting to watch her grow and consider her movements.
I guess people in general are dismayed at another hurricane possibly hitting Florida or going into the Gulf. From God’s perspective I can see that He is in control and knows His Purpose is for His Glorification. Storms show the power that He has. The Bible is clear about that.
N. O. was drowned by Katrina, are they on their knees before God now? Doesn’t seem so. Ophelia is in the wings, will she come on stage, and what will be her acting if she does? God knows. We wait to see. We pray for those who don’t know God to consider His ways and kneel before Him. We pray for the safety of His Chosen, and that His Will is Done, that people will see God and His Truth through these times of trouble.
They do need the rain there, on the Carolina coast, and the Georgia coast, they are all down 5 or more inches of rain deficit. They are dependent on tropical systems for replenishment to rivers, creeks, lakes … TWC people talked about this over the weekend on TV. It was notable that they mentioned it, the people in the Carolina’s don’t want a storm coming ashore, but they desperately do need the rain, so it would be better overall if the storm did come in, though no one wishes for damage from the storm.
This has been my position of note for many, many years, since moving to Florida when I was 13, I quickly came to realize the importance of tropical storms coming to Florida, for the needed rains to support lake waters, and The Everglades. With populations growing along the coast, and spreading further and further West into the Everglades, wishes were for no storms to come, to hurtful to the beaches, people’s homes, etc. Selfish materialism. Draining of swamps to make way for communities has damaged the environment, I think, to some small degree at the least. Dry conditions over the entire South US have been a problematic thing for the last decade, further back than that, no doubt, but mainly a large problem this past decade. We in the interior regions of The South are out of droughts, thanks to the storms of the past couple of years. But coastal regions are in need now. I pray that people will heed the warnings, evacuate, leave their stuff and save their lives. Allow the storm to come ashore, the moisture is needed. Without it you suffer droughts of heavier proportions. A tropical storm or minimal hurricane are beneficial. Things can be repaired. My biggest beef about it is the governmental monies rebuilding storm surge swept away buildings. People should live there if they can afford to rebuild themselves. But that’s such an archaic thought, isn’t it? :veryshocked: