Nourishing Traditions (hardback)

I just added a new link to my sidebar “Links” area … Nourishing Traditions.

Why? It’s a great book that I’ve had a long time (well, since it was published in the late 90’s). It’s a cookbook and more. I found today, while researching something on Migraines that I read in NT this afternoon, that Nourishing Traditions is available, it’s second edition, in HARDBACK! It has wider margins, and lies flat and comes with an Interactive CD-ROM. I’m salivating over it now. This is one book that I want now, this version of it. The paperback I keep in my kitchen, this Hardback edition I’d keep in my “bookshelf” area in the “education/craft room”.

At that link you can order the book for $48.00 + 6.00 s/h (hardback) — and the paperback is 25.00 (you can find this at many bookstores, or order it, at the least. B&N has it for $18 for B&N members online, for example.)

On the NT site page, the link to add either version to your shopping cart (to purchase there) is below on the left, so scroll down a bit and look for the graphic that states “Add Item to Cart”.


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