Allergies and house stuff
Goo … I feel miserable. My “normal” allergies have just been la, la, la all along this Spring, until about a week ago. They ramped up, but even moreso this week. So here I am, 36+3 (wks+days) pregnant and it’s hard enough to get the energy I need to do stuff … forget it now.…
My Pregnancy 2007 Page
I wanted to draw attention to the sidebar under “Pages” –way down the list look for “My Pregnancy 2007” and click on it to get a list of posts from newest to eldest on this blog and my other blog that are related to my pregnancy –either completely or side-related, referencing it in some way.…
36 Weeks today
I’m 36 wks + 0 days today … I’m getting much closer, and time seems to be going faster and faster … We ordered our Birth Kit yesterday, and hopefully it will arrive before our Home Visit on June 4th (when I’ll be 38 wks 0 days.) We also need to get some other supplies…
35 weeks Midwife
My pregnancy progresses … I’m at 35 weeks now, and officially by the calendar, just a “month” from my due date, with it being June 18th. It sure has gone fast! I had a midwife visit the other day and things were O.K. I measured right on, 35, –but the usual late pregnancy rearing it’s…
Spelt Bread (food)
I’ve ignored my Sourdough cultures of late. I’ve taken to this process: Day 1: Put 1 1/2 cups of whole grain spelt in a bowl, and mix into that 1 cup of yoghurt. Cover with plastic well, and sit that bowl on a shelf until sometime the next day, to make bread with it. I…
Lasagna with fresh Kamut noodles (food)
I made lasagna for dinner last night (Friday night.) I made fresh Kamut lasagna noodles … the first time I’ve ever used my own pasta for the noodles of such. Oooh it was so good! I just “made them” and didn’t look up any info on size to make the lasagna noodles (the number of…