I’m 38 + 1 (wks+days) today. Yesterday I had my Home Visit and it went well. I measured 39wks, and my BP was alright, they had me lay on my left side for awhile before attempting a reading, and it worked out well. About 2 weeks ago I measured right on for my weeks of pregnancy (36) and I noted here at home in the past week that the top of my womb had moved up a lot, so it wasn’t such a surprise to me that I measured 39 yesterday.
The baby has been head down but floating, and that’s still the case. The midwife has a couple of assistants (midwives in training) and the one that came with her yesterday couldn’t find the baby’s head or figure out position, but the midwife quickly did find the baby, and did also say it’s not a “big” baby, which is fine. 🙂 I have the ability to go longer and the baby can get bigger without being overly huge.
My next appointment will be on the 26th of June, if I haven’t given birth yet. My midwife will be available this week, but is going away and not available until about the 23rd. There is a back-up midwife that will be available most of that time, I haven’t met her, but we (hubby and I) do think we know about her, that she attended someone we know from church, some years back. Then there are some days in that time period that SHE won’t be available, and then it will be up to the assistants to take care of me if I go into labor. I’m cool with it all.
So, I’m 38 weeks and anytime now is do-able. Wow didn’t it come fast.
We went to Target last night and got most of the rest of the stuff we need for the birth. One thing is a decent new set of sheets for our Queen mattress. And some baby clothes, blankets, etc. I found some nice Sage Green Classic Pooh things in the baby essentials aisle, and quickly decided they were it. So I got a crib sheet from that line and will get a full set for the crib eventually. The sheets for our bed that I picked out are a Sage green plain variety, a Target Home brand, but 100% cotton 25o-thread count, good enough. Normally 9.99 per each, on sale for 7.99 per each, flat and fitted sold separately, pillowcases sold in pairs. So I got the sage green flat and fitted in Queen and the pillow cases in the same color in King, as well as a pair of White pillowcases in King size. Because of this I see our bedroom colors taking shape. We’ve never painted or decorated in there, using it as a catch-all room that we sleep in, having it routed out (cleaned out) a few times over the years, but now …
We have reason to rejoice. Our floor is now Solid Heart Pine, 5″ wide planks. Hurray! We got it mostly installed over the weekend, and then there is a little bit left to do, one and a half rows, the end. The floor is unfinished, and we’ll get it sanded later, when we have all the house floors done (that’s in the future, we need to buy more heart pine flooring for the children’s bedrooms and the living/kitchen rooms.) After that I plan to use Tung Oil as the finish.
I’ll be thinking about wall color in the sage green arena, but use a paler shade than the sheets (ours and baby are the same nice deep sage green pretty much,) as well as another complementary color in some way. We may be able to get it painted this month, before the baby arrives. I sure hope we can do that. One thing is our ceiling is a tray ceiling, two graduated levels higher than the “normal”ceiling. The sides are smooth, and the top of each level is textured. The builders of the house painted everything a pale blue (our request nearly 10-years ago) and in the bedroom, on the tray side levels they painted, but left the textures untouched white. We’ll probably paint the ceiling entirely, or just the entire tray area, even the textured parts. I’m not sure what the color will be.
Today I want to start getting the crib put together, it’s nearly all apart right now. It’ll be in our room. We moved a dresser out and into the boys room the other day, actually a chest of drawers. We are keeping the double dresser with mirror in our room, and I’m in the process of sanding the top to see if it’s worth of an oil finish on the bare wood. It’s looking promising (I’m using my Black & Decker “Mouse” sander) and eventually I do the rest of the piece, but not now. Anyhow, we will use the dresser top as the changing table, and have a couple of the drawers dedicated to diapering stuff.
We got some big plastic containers at Target to get some of the excess clothing in our closet more organized, and eventually want to IKEA our closet as a wardrobe system, or use another organizing system. Right now it’s that wire shelving and I hate it. One side is for hanging long things, and the other side is short hanging, two rows upper and lower. The back of the closet had a wire shelving thing that seemed so horrid I ripped it out some years ago. It made the closet more walk-in-friendly to have it gone. We want to re-orient everything, and I want true shelves here and there, and real rods to hang clothing on.
In this endeavor, today I’ll have a bunch of stuff brought down from the top of the wire shelving, stuff literally just stacked/stuffed up there. I hope to find a maternity shorts set that I would love to use for the rest of this month, which I got when I was pregnant with #3. Maybe some baby clothes too, that would be so good if so. Hubby will get the stuff down for me, and I’ll have to go through it all. Not so bad maybe, or might be bad. I dislike sorting through some sorts of things, to a degree that can be so bad I abandon such jobs after just a little bit. In today’s case, it would be I’d get out some good things, and then shove the rest of it willy nilly into the plastic boxes as fast as I can and be done with it, until another time. :rolleyes:
At Target we got baby things: Gerber side-snap T-shirts and Onsies. And a few Classic Pooh themed body suits and one sleeper. I also got two PJ things at Motherhood Maternity, for me, and one of them came with a matching body suit, onsie style, for baby. That Mama thing is a Nightgown, discreet nursing-ability. The other thing is a top and shorts thing that are alright, not exactly discreet nursing-ability, but not bad.
We got most of the little items I need for at the birth, and just need to get one more essential in that department.
Then I need to get a changing pad to put on the dresser. I need to locate my nice crib mattress cover, or get a new one. I need some more receiving blankets and was very frustrated to not find the sort which I used to buy. We went to Carters and couldn’t find that sort even. Nice big ones, smooth thick cotton with bound edges. I used to have many, but don’t know where they are (probably in the garage and not save-able, or some might be …)
My diaper order is supposed to be delivered on Friday. That will give me a minimum to start with, but I need to get more covers, and I’m so reticent to put money into small ones, not knowing how long I can use them, or if I’ll really need them. I did find one of my Aristocrats that is shrunk, but it’s the Large one, and still too big for a little baby. I have a small one that would be perfect for a newborn, but “WHERE IS IT?!!!” is my cry.
OK so then we need equipment and since I love Classic Pooh, Target was the place to be. The Graco baby line has a “Hundred Acre Wood” series, a Pack n’ Play, a Swing, and a Stroller/infant car seat combo. They are a Navy Blue with some stripes with a yellow or cream color, and then some Classic Pooh characters on a lighter background. This is what we’ll shoot for. We’ll keep the swing and the Pack n’ Play in the living area.
I have a Land’s End diaper bag from before, it’s in pristine condition basically. So it’s suitable to be used, it’s dark blue, one of the deluxe models. I do want to buy a smaller bag though, and there are some nice ones “out there” now days.
I also want to find a carrier for me to be able to wear baby, and I’m not sure which direction to go in.
I’m not sure then what clothing I’ll have for me to wear. I have a few nicer nursing shirts, but they are casual. I used to wear them with jeans mostly. I did go to “wearing only dresses” a couple of years after baby #3, and still hold to that position, though I did have two pairs of maternity pants this past winter, which didn’t last in fitting me, thank goodness 😉 so I’ve been wearing just two skirts the past couple of months, to go out in, and have two small dresses to also wear at home (too short to “go out” in.) The other maternity stuff I have just hasn’t worked out to use much, shoes being an issue, and hosiery … I’ve just gotten by with the little bit of things that I’ve been wearing. Frustrating atimes, but alright overall.
So then, what will my size be when baby is born, how fast will I fit anything I have to wear, and what size of things will be prudent to buy for me … skirts if they are findable, that will go with my nursing tops (not likely,) or will I succumb to the “jeans” wearing idea once again.
All of this is floating around in my head, some of it I can act on, some of it I must wait and see … so today is a day of washing all the things I just got for baby, getting some other clothes organized, and trying to get the crib back together – starting, at least.
And still, we have no names picked out. 🙂 That’s A-OK with me.