On Friday, June 22, 2007 I was overdue 4 days … that is 40 Weeks + 4 Days.
My contractions continued all day, changing to greater intensity and constancy later in the afternoon, and we did call the midwife to update her … and later in the evening it was decided that they’d come on over, so as to be there when it happened (seeing as they did miss out on the actual birth we had in 2000 due to a very quick labor.)
Up to the point of their arrival I was at 5 minutes apart, with contractions lasting over a minute long and quite strong … definitely early labor progressing …
When they arrived though, things started to slow down, and slowed down more, and more, and more …
I had a very nice talk with the midwife apprentice into the night though. 🙂
Our midwife had just gotten back from an overseas trip, so was very tired. She stayed, but went into her vehicle to sleep. I went to bed finally around 2am and did get to sleep. The m.apprentice stayed on the couch.
Saturday morning … day 5 Officially … –>
When the sun came up hubby and I were awake. I was very tired, though I had slept. I felt disappointed that things weren’t progressing openly, but wasn’t even sure of how I was feeling at the time, being sort of numb from the sort of sleep I’d had that night.
The midwife and her apprentice were up soon thereafter and we had a talk about what was happening and what wasn’t and options and such. They did decide to leave, I was wishy-washy about it, not really feeling that they should, but knowning THEY wanted to seeing as it seemed nothing was happening.
As I had awoken that morning I felt gassy pain in my lower gut and it was annoying and I couldn’t get rid of it. I didn’t say much of anything about it since I wasn’t having any “real” contractions along with it.
So then, the midwife did check me internally to see where I was, to have something to base a decision upon. I was 1 cm dilated and my cervix was thick. Talk about disappointing-even-moreso-than-anything. 🙁
So with that knowledge they decided to go, knowing that I’d go into active labor anytime in the future of that day to a few days forward. I had some hard work to do, and had to do it. She suggested I just totally “rest” –that that would be the best way to aide my body to thin my cervix, etc.
I am not sure of the timing of everything, but things changed after this. I’ll continue the story in my next post, 40 Weeks + 5 Days.