Baby Q – 9 Months Old
Well, I was writing a post the other day, on the 23rd, in fact, since it was dear Baby Q’s 9-month b-day … but I wasn’t able to finish it at the time, but didn’t “save” it, having to shut my laptop instantly (Baby Q sees me with the laptop open and makes a beeline…
I just posted about my kitchen and changes that have happened and will happen (sooner than later, I hope!) With all this comes junk and more junk to be organized. We already have a house full of junk to de-junk, now have so much more since moving the old cabinets fully out of the kitchen.…
My Kitchen – March 2008
We have been getting our kitchen changed slowly, the past few or more years, with only better changes of late. We now have new cabinets, not actually “installed” but in use. Our old ones are all either moved or thrown away, hurray! The base cabinets are in use where they will be installed permanently and…
Mobile Baby
Baby Q is really, very mobile now. He’s been pulling up for a few weeks, but not everywhere, but for the last few days, he now can pull up on anything at all, and had been working towards that for over a week. When we got back from our Florida trip, he was at home…
Hennies 2008
Our hens began laying in mid-late February, and are now fully laying, I think. We were away most of last week, so I’ll spend the next few days starting to track when they lay, and get a pattern down on paper to understand it all. One bad thing happened, on Saturday morning I looked out…