My computer, the desktop, has sparked a Re-Organization, which I’d say is akin to what’s known as “Spring Cleaning”, just not “cleaning” –but moving around, throwing away, re-doing this and that –cleaning automatically happens with such as that. 🙂
My User Profile seems to have gotten mussed up somehow. I was getting Blue Screen of Death errors when accessing different folders and what-not. My browser would crash often, and myriads of other little things over the last month that have crept closer and more often reared their ugly heads.
So in looking at something online last week, I saw that what was recommended was deleting the user profile and moving ones data to a new user profile.
I’ve done that before, for different reasons, different gliches. This time the glitches were moreso Memory related. Anyhow, I decided to give THAT sort of solution a try, and created a new profile and moved my stuff.
But I have a backlog of massive other stuff — from my laptop. I burned most of my laptop data on CD-ROM’s, but then in a fit of “just to be sure” I also moved the whole enchillada onto the desktop hard drive.
When I clean-installed my laptop, I didn’t load all that stuff back on. I had been working off of the desktop for so much longer than I thought I would have, I just left all the stuff alone, had re-created certain kinds of folders and documents, which just adds to the bulk of what I had already from the laptop. I’d go into that stuff off and on to get something particular as well.
So this whole profile switchy has me going through that laptop data and deleting useless stuff (like all the old Movable Type stuff I had saved, for example), and moving pieces of things together with other things I have elsewhere … and that leaves a littler whittle pile to work on. Phew!
I have my profile and in it I have shortcuts to another partition with folders for PICTURES, DOCUMENTS, and MUSIC
All my stuff will go into those folders. Some programs will automatically put things in MY DOCUMENTS, some are programmable to change that, some don’t, but mostly new programs will “remember” where you last saved something.
Well I will not primarily save my stuff in my user profile anymore. I used to move it, on my laptop, and have my documents and settings folder and subfolders on a different partition. This is different now. I have manually set up folders on the other partition, and have short_cut links in my user profiles to those folders, more than one link to each folder, just different places to put them to work well to quickly navigate to the right place.
One good place for that is SENDTO, right-context menu SendTo is a fabulous place to add special links to to send data to a folder with few clicks, anywhere on the computer, or accessible via the network.
The way I have my folders set up now is more friendly towards doing whatever in the future, with the data. It’s more easily figured out since I can use the My Documents for recent stuff if I want, and move it or delete it in order to clean up those areas, keep them pruned down. Archived information is on the partition. Almost all my stuff is archivable, the question is: did I save it for archiving the first time as I should have? So I need to re-apply my “organization plan” to include those areas.
How does this help me Re-Organize everything? Well, it’s sort of like my brain. My computer in disarray, though not as bad as that, just lots of things that could be pruned out, folders put together, split apart, etc., and it’s sort of like static in my brain. With a good fresh start in my profile in WinXP and actually working with my old data to make it more accessible in the future, I know what’s where and what and why, and it’s like the tumblers in a lock, they fall right into place. Ahhh.
I’ve gotten more laundry done of late, and that’s one key to my computer organization. The timing of it all is good. I’m able to do more now, become more of what I should be, get the closets cleaned out, clothing fixed, sold, given away, readied for winter, etc. I admit, I’m pathetic with household stuff usually. I’m great at ripping the house apart, banging nails and such. It’s the “stuff” that drives me nuts. It’s the “stuff” that gets out of control. I need my family to help me, of course. As it’s not all MY stuff 🙂 It’s there’s as well. Traditional name for us is Messies. Did y’all know that Visual-Spatialness is tied in with that in lots of folks?
Well, that’s why to “clean” I have to “re-organize” or “re-arrange the furniture”. Spatially I say, “this will go ‘here’ and that over ‘there’.” I do it, it fits without measuring. I get out the broom and sweep everything out of the way, blah, dee, doo, dee, dah … voila! Nice room again.
I’m convinced that to live a good life we must pare down stuff. We haven’t much stuff, it just seems that we do. It’s still “too much” though. It’s sort of a monster that grows 20-feet more tall for every 2-lbs of stuff you bring home.
So motivation is what I have, if only the allergies would leave me alone, or the Claritin would kick in and help more … motivation needs energy as it’s friend and tool, and I have none the past two days since Frances left us. Pollens and molds must be high again. Ever a creature of my environment, I look forward to the New Earth, no allergies 😉
I’m just trying, trying, trying, to pass my motivation on to Frank and the children. The Garage is a biggie, and needs attention. 🙂