Ivan came and sang at our door
Four- inches or more from Frances, just the week before
Four-inches or more from Ivan, this is very true
We needed rain,
God sent these storms
We’re overfilled
But happily so
The earth soaked up that water blue
Frances, she wailed and weeped ‘oh please come out and play’
Ivan he roared, he wanted to come in
Ivans winds were wickeder, they pounded our back door
Seeping in the cracks and moaning all day and night and the next
Then suddenly it was quiet
And then the sun peeked out
Ivan’s visit was over
We saw no floods
No major destruction
Just many leaves
Early falling from the trees
The trees wanted water earlier this Summer
they began dropping leaves in August in defense
only to have storms galore in September.
Who’d have known? God did!
And Jeanne will be coming next …?
By Marysue Meints
September 17, 2004
Intentional rhyming/not rhyming … etc.