Demolition and Painting!

The other day we went to Lowe’s and got some paint. The color is called “Lotus Flower” and is a light buttery delicate yellowish color. It’s the base for Victoria’s room.

Originally I had planned to have her room be very pink, with light pink or creamy light pinkish as base and darker pink in vertical painted stripes. We also have planned all along to have wainscoting, beadboard, painted enamel white, or maybe another color.

So I had gone as far before as picking out a color card with the pinks on it that I wanted to use.

At Lowe’s recently then, we were looking at other things and got round to the paint last. I had actually walked past the color area on the way to the back of the store when we first were there, and thought about finding that color card again, then felt a compunction to keep walking, which I obeyed.

Then I saw a different manufactuer’s colors, and my eyes fell on a brochure which had complementary shades on the back in color swatches. That’s when the plan changed.

So now it’s Lotus Flower for the base.

First we need to finish prepping the walls, filling holes, and sanding the old eggshell down a bit. I removed the baseboards this afternoon. Good hard work, loud, thrilling for me! I love anything with a crowbar, it seems. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So probably I’ll be able to start the painting on Monday. First the Kilz. Kilz is important in our home. ๐Ÿ™‚

Then the Lotus Flower. It’s such a beautiful shade. I’m not a yellow fan usually. Victoria has different coloring than me though, and appreciates it more, but on the scale of all things weighed against all other things doubly over … I like Lotus Flower. Whatever that means!

We’ll be getting beadboard for the bottom half of the walls. We’re getting it in the 4 Ft. high sections. A good thick plywood, it’ll really protect the walls and add beauty as well.

That will be painted enamel, a pink that’s on the card where the Lotus Flower color came from. Then it’s time to reflect on the changes and to see what else I want to do. I’m taking it in steps, natural, and I’ll let it flow as it wants to.

I’m thinking still of stripes in pink … just not sure what type or shade. Always I had planned to do decoupage of paperdolls I’ll print out from cute things I’ve found online, many of them old paperdolls from vintage early 1900’s ladies magazines. I still want to do that, and will have to wait until the stripes issue is worked out to decide further on the decoupaging.

We’ll choose a chair rail trim and also something for the ceiling edge, a crown molding or maybe something a bit more elaborate … fun stuff, to trim out a room as a decorator! She has one corner in the room that juts out, it’s right as you come into the room –the hall closet, and we’ll put a wooden decorative corner piece it’s whole length. So it’ll end up that the room with be encased in prettily painted wood. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lastly then will be organizational things. She has some, but not enough. Really the biggest thing is a raised platform bed is what I want to build for her, and give her storage, study, relaxing reading space underneath. It’s a small room and we need every square-inch! I need to paint a few pieces of furniture that she has as well. So I have much to keep me busy there.

There’s then the hall bathroom. Frank is going to replace the toilet, that one has been nothing but trouble. And the sink and cabinet there will go too. We found a nice different piece that is a cabinet and sink that go together, and is very pretty, euro hinges in the doors, and a curved upper door look, and the sink is cultured marble and extends out of the cabinet base, it’s not a skirt sink, similar, but it’s very curvy and extends out as a curve into the front space where a sink usually has already ended.

We’ll also replace the light fixture, and I’ll trim out the mirror to make it look prettier. Oh, the room has to be painted again too. And then a corner cabinet and new shower curtain should round it out, well ‘cept the floor. Once we decide what to do with the floor, it’ll be done. ๐Ÿ™‚

We need to repaint the whole house interior and exterior. This is the start of major painting in 2005!

3 responses to “Demolition and Painting!”

  1. I love decorating. Sounds like you have a good plan for Victoria’s room, especially the bead board wainscoting. I’ve wanted to do that in my kitchen, but never thought about it for a child’s room – great idea!

  2. I love anything with a crowbar, it seems. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    LOL Me too! I CAN NOT WAIT to take a sledgehammer to the old yucky tile in our bathroom!!! I’ve been waiting at least a couple of years. I’m afraid my dh will get a “surprise” one of these days when he gets home and will be “forced” to start work on it sooner than he expects!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ LOL Not before Baby though…and certainly not for a couple of months after…

    Anyway, your colors sound so nice and so “my style” too! Love beadboard and wainscoting and fancy (not too fancy ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) trim!!

    Sounds like a whole lotta fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Yea, fun … ๐Ÿ™‚

    Phase 1 done … stinky Kilz coat #1 on.

    Phew! That’s the nasty stuff, the oil based primer. It’s, unfortunately, needed due to a myriad of reasons …

    Now I must judge how it is once it’s totally dried … second coat of primer or two coats of color …

    I am thinking it might be both, two of each. ๐Ÿ™

    The walls were blue until this morning. Now they are whitish, but it’s ugly. That blue is deep. It’s sort of like the blue you see here on the footer and header. Not exactly, but close.

    It was once a beautiful shade, but from floor up to 4Ft it had turned nasty, finger print, by finger print, pen, crayon, marker, whatever-it-is-that-made-that-hole … yucky.

    Why is it that some people don’t seem to have such “creative” children? I never can understand that ๐Ÿ˜‰

    It is a small room, but made smaller due to bed and armoire pushed into the middle. I do think we’ll have to take the bed out before I do anymore painting. It just made a job so much harder to have to squeeze in here and push and pull things around.

    It was worse doing that than I had imagined. I’m filing that permanantly in a readily accessible folder in my brain. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m so excited to actually have this project started. It’s been years in the making … so I can understand how you feel about your bathroom Tamara! ๐Ÿ˜€

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