Painting the cabinets saga drags on

I’m very much not pleased with how the painting turned out on my cabinet door and drawer fronts, face of cabinets too. In actuality the “painted by brush” look that I was going for turned into a very-too-much thing, and now I have to sand that down and reapply with a little smooth roller to hone down the ridges.

I’m not trying to get a super smooth look. Just a “painted” look without deep ridges. So I’m bummed a bit about it. Dh just got home with a new little roller for me and the paint store dude said what I feared … I have to wait 7-10 days for Latex paint to sand it. It’ll just gum up before that. Tell me how I know THAT! ๐Ÿ™‚

I knew it and tried to affect some icky things that happened to a drawer front. Somehow deep depressions were made in it, finger print gookies … I didn’t do that … so I am not accusing just saying, it’s a mess to look at, and sandpaper just squishes it around gooky gummy like.

So I need to just leave it all alone and install the hardware and then wait a week or more. THEN I can take the hardware off and start the fix.

Oh well, that’s life.

I know that Latex paint takes time to cure. It’s dry to the touch fast, but don’t you dare try to wash it –soapy water and rag or sponge or whatever, no scrubbing the first month of it’s painted life! For Sanding, as the paint store guy said, it takes 7-10 days of curing before it’s doable. I hope that’s true. It’s a long wait, but not as long as a 30-day wait as it might have been said. So it’s good news/bad news. Not so bad. Just slooowwww. At least I’m on slow-mode already. I’ve been busy, but taking it all sloowwww. ๐Ÿ™‚ On the slow-track to getting the kitchen done.

But I do need to get the lower cabinet re-filled for now and the door and drawer fronts on and all put together. The cats are ripping opened bags of noodles, raisins, etc. lately during the night. That’s the stuff that belongs in the lower cabinet as it was being used before the moving. It’s not entirely stuff that should be there, just the stuff that was there. Rearranging cabinets and usage and such is taking that slow-mode approach, and it’s only livable since I live in chaos anyhow, and it’s not so terrible. It’s just confusion of a mild degree and a circus to outsiders. It’s normal to me ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyhow, this changes how I’ll paint the other cabinets. Practice makes perfect!


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