Hennies Update

I haven’t updated anything here with the hens lately, they aren’t laying at all again. It’s a frustrating process. We have dedicated ourselves to water them more frequently, has that been the problem in the past? Maybe, maybe not. They don’t look too bad, look good actually and their combs are red, not all of them super bright red, but not dull either, and they don’t appear to have any problems with poo or anything. They’re just doing the same thing since late Fall, lay a bit, no lay, no lay, no lay, lay a bit, lay more, lay less, no lay, no lay, lay a bit, lay more, no lay, no lay, etc.

Hot days are here though. It’s much hotter this past week and forecasts are for mostly in the mid-80’s for highs, or higher, and nights in the 60’s. We are getting closer to the longest day of the year, it’s still over a month away, but the daylight we have now should be sufficient to have the hens laying alright.

So it’s precise to say that all our hens are not young. The Australorps are the youngest, and really this shouldn’t be a non-laying time for them, it’s only the first full year of laying for them, they hatched last Spring and didn’t start laying until late summer 2004. So this would be their first full fledged laying season. :rolleyes: whatever it is, it’s just a female thing I guess, on the same dumb cycle … The white hens are old ladies, and got up to 60 or more percent of them laying when they did lay a few weeks ago. That’s good. The Wyandottes and Australorps were that good or worse. So they are all, regardless of age, doing the same thing nearly. On and off, up and down. 🙁

So we’ve no eggs, and the last update on the egg report pages was the last eggs we got. 🙁

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