I was writing this post earlier today, this morning, with intent to talk about my Thanksgiving Prep that I was planning on beginning today. Of course, I didn’t get the post finished, and as things went on, I got NOTHING done for Thanksgiving Prep. 🙁
I did, however, get Lasagna made, and in the oven for dinner tonight. It took all day to get it done … not ALL day, but my planning for everything had me trying to get the Lasagna done so we could eat well tonight and another time before Thanksgiving, with something non-thanksgiving-like. I got things out early enough, but between this and that and that and this I got little accomplished except trying to feed the baby and getting breakfast for everyone else. I did get this chopped and that grated over the space of time, then the meat grinded, browned with the onion and garlic and tomato sauce and herbs mixed in. It’s 5:45pm right now, and the Lasagna is in the oven, nearly done. It’s been in for a couple of hours, I like to bake it really, really well. Anyway, it was just such a bigger deal than I hoped it would be to get it ready for the oven.
Something goes on with me sometimes with this baby, that breastfeeding doesn’t go so well all of the sudden, then picks up fine later. Since Sunday afternoon i’ve had trouble and usually it turns around by now, but it hasn’t. I have been through a ton of STRESS from Saturday night through to Sunday afternoon, and it’s something I can’t talk about here, but it’s mental stuff connected with something important which has come to a head of late … and I can’t help but think all along that massive stress of physical or mental things is what gives me this problem with breastfeeding. Things were fine all week and Sunday morning, but after getting home from church — kapoo — no letdown. The baby is latching on as usual fine and is getting milk, but just no letdown and no massive milk, so I step up the feedings and just pray it doesn’t last long, and usually that’s the case, but thus far it’s been 24 hours and well … it’s this massive holiday week and that other crappy stressful situation that culminate to make me wonder what I am doing trying to prepare anything at all now.
Oh well. I’m praying and hoping for the best.
Tomorrow the Turkeys will arrive (hubby will pick them up from the meat store, nothing exciting, just natural, never frozen sort of some degree.) I’m hopefully going to roast them tomorrow, or do one tomorrow and one on Wednesday if need be. A few years ago I did the Turkey ahead of time, and it was so much better for me to do so, even though the idea of a big brown bird on a platter with Daddy standing by with the carving knife about to start slicing thin juicy slices off the breast is so romantic and traditional, it’s a crock in our household. So it’s good to have the bird pre-done to get the oven available for the myriad of other things “on the day” and the turkey, gravy and stuffing only need to be re-heated since they were done the day or two beforehand. So on the day itself there is no wrestling with a raw bird, or timing things to come out at the right time and have the bird ready and on and on I could go, it’s just wonderful to have the ability to do it ahead and it’s just “as if” you did it the day of, just no big bird on the table or “sideboard.” Just nice platters of turkey slices, and bowls of deep brown gravy and fragrant stuffing, piping hot.
That is, if I can manage to get more rest and get this baby stuff working again.