It’s going, but blah
I’m not feeling so swell. All night I felt miserable while I was “supposed” to be asleep, but often am not. I was more miserable than normal. When daylight came and I got out of bed (I ususally, during such nights do sleep a bit right before and after dawn, also sometime earlier in the…
Northern Mockingbird Nest
I was out in the backyard doing stuff for the hens, and I paused by one of the trees to look at something, and heard some peeps. I looked up, and in our young maple there was a nest, just above. I could hear the peep, peep, peep, peep, more like a “wuueeep”, and could…
Spring! Signs everywhere!
It’s a lovely day so far. It’s supposed to be up to around 61 degrees F. The sun is shining. Spring is in the air. I forgot to post this exciting news the other day. Victoria were on the deck the other day sorting through some Thyme I’d cut out of my herb garden (hair…
Many Things in One Post
This is my “many things in one post” post. Weather, books, hens, wild birds, etc. The weather has turned mild again. Yesterday it was warm enough not to need a fire upon waking. Last night was warm too. It’s currently in the mid-50’s, and that’s without the sun’s aiding. It’s been mostly cloudy, morelike “light…
Bluebird babies are hatched!
I checked them today and there were four sweet newly hatched baby Eastern Blue birds. They are small and all look fine. I can’t be sure when they began hatching but if Mama Bluebird began sitting on July 26, then twelve to thirteen days would mean they hatched yesterday or this morning, though I noticed…
Bluebird Clutch 3-04 Sitting Begins
Mrs. Bluebird began sitting on her eggs this weekend. She has laid four. I am estimating that she started sitting on Sunday, July 25, 2004.
Horrid Things
I’m absolutly horrified. I went to check the bluebird babies just a bit ago, and there were ants streaming up the fence by the box,
Baby Bluebirds!
I checked the Eastern Bluebird Nestbox yesterday AM, and there were little baby bluebirds in the nest! I’ll check them out today, to be sure it’s four, or another number. I didn’t delve deeply into the nest yesterday.
2nd Nesting of 2004 coming to a close
I checked the Bluebird Box this week, and the eggs were warm each time, and still intact. The last check I did was Saturday. I didn’t check today, Sunday, but will first thing tomorrow, that’s Monday, Memorial Day in the USA. Hatching should have occurred already, so I sure hope there are baby birds in…
2nd Nesting of 2004
The Bluebirds did make a second nest, and laid 4 beautiful blue eggs. I didn’t take any photos this time. They look just like photos of the first nest this year, minus one egg 😉 It’s near time for this clutch to hatch. If I recall correctly (which I highly think I am doing so)…
It rained today
It’s not rained for a few days, always threatening at some point in the day at least once though. Today it finally rained. Relief, sort of. It was hot and muggy early today, a sure sign it SHOULD rain. After it rained, during as well, it cooled down, but not too soon of course it…
Bad News and Good News
The Bluebirds first clutch of eggs (5) for 2004 did not hatch, so I removed the nest and eggs on Saturday, May 1, 2004.They were warm the day before, but cool on that day. It was many days past when hatching should have already occurred. Yesterday, May 5, 2004, I checked the box, and there…
Time Flies — hatching due soon!
The Eastern Bluebirds are due to become new parents this week, sometime between Tues and Fri or so, give or take, 12 to 14 days incubation. That began on April 9 or 10, so it won’t be long now! I’m amazed at how fast this month has gone. The Starlings haven’t been bothering the nest…
Eastern Bluebird’s 1st Nesting 2004
Yesterday, April 9, 2004 I was able to document this years first nesting beginnings with the digital camera. On Monday, April 5 the first egg was laid, Tuesday, April 6 the second egg was laid; Wednesday, April 7 the third egg was laid; Thursday, April 8 the fourth egg was laid; Friday, April 9 the…
Bluebirds 2004 1st posting
Our Eastern Bluebirds built their nest, and had it finished in March. Since Sunday, April 4, 2004 they started laying their eggs. Monday there was one. Tuesday there were two. Officially this morning there are three little blue Bluebird eggs in the nest box. I’ll try to get a picture taken with the digital camera…
Brrr II and birds
It’s early, and cold. We kept the fire going late last night, so it’d warm the house longer, and also make it easier to get it going in the morning. Good thing. When it’s down below freezing, it gets cold in here FAST. There’s a certain edge of chilliness that can’t be shaken from the…
Bluebirds, and other birds lately
It’s been a birdy last 1/2 hour. I haven’t “seen” my Bluebirds most of the Summer. They’ve been around, but the whole family hasn’t been sitting on the fences or anything like that. Tonight Frank saw one, and we started looking, there were 2 adults and 3 or 4 babies. At least one of the…
The Babies have Fledged!
My Eastern Bluebird babies have fledged their nest. Yesterday they were in there, evidenced by their Mama and Papa feeding them, and the noise of the babies whenever their parents checked on them. I’ve not been watching the nest box this morning. So, I was outside getting eggs and decided to check on the babies.…
When they should leave the box …
Judging from my previous posts about the Bluebirds this season, these new babies will be fledging sometime after June 6. I’ve picked that day as –day 13– after their hatching, so then I can expect fledging at *about* 17 days, but from day 13 on out monitor from further away so they don’t exit the…
We have babies!
I checked the Bluebird box today. My Mom and Els and Joel were here, so I wanted to show them the box and it’s contents. I thought I heard little squeeky sounds before I opened the door, and sure enough, there was a little fuzzy head with a wide open yellow beak! All four eggs…