Category: Computer and Internet

  • Canned Air works seeming miracles

    Within the last couple of weeks I finally got some canned air for the computers. Both my laptop and the desktop were having heat related problems. Desktop, it was a new problem, just started whizzing out. I cleaned of the heatsink with a tool and that improved it until I could get the pressurized air…

  • Heat in more than one way

    Woke up this morning to computer woes again. The desktop I’ve been working on for the last however months decided to throw a heat tantrum. I didn’t realize how much gunky fuzz was on the heatsink, but there it was. Without the aid of compressed air, I got as much of the packed in dust…

  • How to re-install a Sony: clean install with a dedicated OEM Win XP Home Disc

    I learned alot yesterday, when re-installing Windows on the laptop. My recovery cd’s are three. #2 decided it wouldn’t work (cyclic redundancy, lots of scratches that came from WHERE?) I used these very discs in the Summer of 2003 for the first time. They were in there packages since then. That’s the way it goes.…

  • Clean re-install of WIN XP on laptop

    Today I am going to be re-installing the OS on my laptop (SONY Vaio PCG-GRV550). It’s been in place for many months, close to a year , in fact, nearly just that. I forgot, but searching my archives I recalled that I last reinstalled July 18, 2003. That dratted Coke Spill Incident which pushed my…

  • My Very British Name

    My very British name is Margaret Chamberlain.Take The Very British Name Generator today!Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Name Generator Generator. My Maiden Name is: My very British name is Margaret Salisbury.Take The Very British Name Generator today!Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Name Generator Generator.

  • Comment Previews

    I’ve implemented a comments preview hack to WP. I’ll work it out to look better later. This forces every commenter to preview their comment before it can be posted. But the nice thing is, you can keep on fixing your post and previewing it on the wp-comments-review.php page, as many times as need be, before…

  • WP for All Things

    I run our church’s website. I was waiting for MT3 to come up before doing more with it, I’ve been sluggy wuggy about doing anything with it at all. [not wanting to use MT2.6+ forever and ever amen.] So now I’m trying to decide what to do, what to do, what to do. I do…

  • WP and blacklisting spammers

    Reformed theology says, rightly, that man is totally depraved … and that’s so true and very viewable when one sees the crud that people [spammers] force on nice little blogs via comments.

  • Testing Meta custom fields

    (Update added 06-08-2004 10:50am) I am testing a WP feature, the meta custom fields. This post will show what I’m reading, eventually, if I can make it work. Does it show up? Yes it is working. Here’s what I did, as I wrote on the WP Support Forum:

  • WP and Category Lists

    wp_list_cat and the children attribute

  • Some Word Press stuff

    I’m not sure I’ll be using Word Press entirely, though I’m trying to work it out that I do like it enough to do so 😉 One thing is, with MT I had customized my archive paths entirely to be easy to use based on date or category. Movable Type is a static setup. WP…

  • Who is John Galt?

    My eBay shipment came yesterday. Here goes another one … another what? There is great confusion in the world, as in “Who is Dink?” Is Dink the Bears in the Attic bear that I bought in the early-mid 90’s, and loved him to “non-new looking”? That bear is a big bear. (16-inches?) I don’t have…

  • Trying to do some things

    I’ve set my computer up again. I had it sleeping for the last quite a few days, totally disinterested in much of anything having to do with the computer. I went to a few sites via my husbands desktop during that time, but did very, very, very little. I forced myself to open my ‘puter…

  • Henry Watson Bread Baker

    I obtained a new kitchen item via eBay this week. I was looking at auctions last week and found something I’d been considering wanting: Terracotta baking and tableware pottery. What I found was Henry Watson Pottery, Wattisfiled, Suffolk, England. There is some of this on eBay, though not a whole lot. I started comparing pieces…

  • Which Movie Do You Belong In

    Y’all people out there should have more sense that to take so many quizes and try and entice others to take them too by displaying your own results to said quizzes … So since that’s how y’all play, I’ll just be sure and post my results too, to make sure it spread 😉 You belong…

  • I am this classic movie

    So I took another quiz. It’s the ‘What Movie are you’ test, based on one of the personality test you can take that has the same questions, this one though just tells you that you are such and such classic movie. I took it twice. One answering 27 questions and one answering 45 of them.…

  • What kind of yarn are you

    In desperation to take my mind off of Gretchen, I took the challenge from Tamara and took this quiz to see “what kind of Yarn I am”. This answer is a surprise: You are Dishcloth Cotton. You are a very hard worker, most at home whenyou’re at home. You are thrifty and seeminglyborn to clean.…

  • Fireplace, Movies, Bread

    Well it’s fireplace day for us. It was very cold in the house yesterday, with enough wood for that day or this day. So we held out. Today I also held out as long as we could, so now the fire is started. The morning wasn’t so bad really, but by 11am cold toes were…

  • My Peter Pan Desktop

    I took the splash graphics from the Peter Pan movie site and put them together in Photoshop Elements 2, and pieced together some black to cover a hole, and also to cover over the graphic “playing now” as shown on the site currently. I then “saved for web” and re-sized it in that utility as…

  • Cold, diversion needed

    It’s a cold day. It was so nice the last few days. Well, DH is out-of-town, in the Carolina’s where there is snow from this same weather system we had here yesterday and today. We don’t have that though. It’s 44 degrees F. right now, with overcast skies. No warming sun, just residual cold left…