Return of the King
Today Frank and I saw Return of the King at the theatre. It was excellent. Several others from Church got together, and we went with them. It was a mid-afternoon showing. Our children stayed with a Church family, they had lots of fun. Afterward we all went to that home and had Chili and a…
Clint Eastwood
We’ve been watching more Clint Eastwood movies lately. I’ve liked them all along, but Frank wasn’t too keen on “buying” any DVD’s of them. He loves John Wayned movies, so that’s what we’ve been building a collection of for some time. At church a few weeks back we were discussing movies with some other folks,…
The Two Towers
We’re in Michigan, leaving on Friday. Last night, opening day, we went and saw The Two Towers (Tolkien movie – The Lord of the Rings, book/movie 2). We loved it. Of course it doesn’t follow the book exactly, but does produce a wonderful product, faithful to the content of the book overall, though not in…