Christmas 2013
Merry Christmas! Christmas was nice this year. It wasn’t awesome for photographs though, I didn’t take very many. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, it just didn’t happen. I got the (then) soon to be retired LEGO Red Cargo Train last Christmas, but didn’t build it until this month. It’s under the tree, which…
The Holidays are approaching!
The weather is cooler and the calendar is now showing November. Time to start thinking about a birthday and Thanksgiving, which are usually entwined to some degree more or less, this year the least of ever, with Thanksgiving being so late (compared to normally.) My husband is tasked with finding a nice FRESH Pastured Free-Range Turkey. I…
Chicken Parmesan – Mother’s Day 2013
Mother’s Day yesterday was alright. I got two gift cards, one for Michael’s and one for Best Buy. I also was given a LEGO set, Iron Man 3 –> attack at sea or something. I could do better with the set name, but I just don’t care right now. I built it last night. I…
Thanksgiving & Next Day Birthday Over
Thanksgiving Day went well. It was chilly but sunny in the morning, warmed up but not too much during the day, staying Sunny all day. We had dinner later than I had wanted to. My hubby got me playing Warhawk in the morning and I quit when I realized it was 12:08pm and got going…
Thanksgiving/Birthday 2010 is over
Our Thanksgiving holiday was really big because of my daughter having her birthday on the day this year. It’s always a tough week, but with it all “occurring” on the same one day every so often, it’s a much harder job to pull off. I made two turkeys (pastured, fresh from a farm) ahead of…
Septic Tank Pumping
Update on the septic tank pumping from yesterday: they arrived later than originally planned, but it went quick. It was FULL. So we hit that point like a brick wall this past week. Barely able to do anything in the house that involved draining into the stack to the septic tank. A chart online about…
Septic Tank Pumping 2009
Birthday and Thanksgiving Day were good. Waiting to get things done here & there, then this weekend we had symptoms of “gotta get it done” with the septic tank, so bad we had to monitor the toilet in the basement & vaccum water out of it if it got too high when flushing another toilet…
Remembering Uncle Walt
On Thursday my Uncle Walt passed away. When I was 7 my mother had to be hospitalized for awhile so me and my 4 siblings were divided amongst relative. I was sent alone to my Uncle Walt & his wife, Aunt Mary. They were relatively still newlyweds at the time, not young, not old, just…
Winter Weather in the South
It’s March 1st and we are having our first real “Winter Storm” of the year. It’s been Spring-like for a while, many things are blooming. It’s been raining since Friday night (and had some lightning/thunder as well) –off and on, and the ground is mushy and over-wet, even more than that in places, deep puddles…
Frank’s 2008 B-Day
For Frank’s birthday yesterday I made cupcakes. Usually we don’t make cakes for his birthday, not regular cakes. In the past I would often make a cheesecake for his birthday, or nothing, since he didn’t care as much about cakes as, say, the children would for their birthdays. Frank doesn’t care much for holiday trappings,…
Happy Birthday Frank!
Happy Birthday dear! It was 43 years ago that you were born. I’ve known you for over 16 of those years, and I hope with God’s Good Grace it will be many, many more for us both.
Happy New Year
2007 is gone. 2008 is here. We had “fireworks” out front on New Years Eve to mark the occasion (Costco sells big packs of “fountain” type fireworks made by TNT, this time of year and around the 4th of July.) We’ve gotten this sort of thing for the 4th starting in 2006, continued it in…
November – Holiday Season begins
Holiday Season is right around the corner. It’s November now, which means in our household we have Thanksgiving and then our DD’s Birthday, or visa-versa, depending on the year. (She was born in 1998 on the 25th, the day before Thanksgiving.) This year Thanksgiving is three days before her b-day. It always makes for a…
Happy Birthday Asa!
Five years ago we had a sweet little baby boy at home right now. All the activity had calmed down, and we were alone with our baby boy again. I say “again” since he arrived before any of our attendants did. So when he was born, we had him for several minutes, all to ourselves.…
Labor Day, work!
It’s Labor Day in the US today. That’s a holiday. It’s supposedly the day to “take off” meaning: “no labor”. In my mind I do recall days when I was young that were “picnic” oriented Labor Day occassions. In my adult years it’s this though: Work. There’s always something to do in the house. Projects…
July sure went by fast
I know time goes fast when you are having fun, but what if it goes by fast when you are definitely NOT having fun? 🙂 Time has flown for me the last few years, and this last month, July 2005, has been quite the fastest, by far, in my estimation of historical events in my…
We are in Charleston, SC today, just arrived a bit ago. Frank has some business here just a short time, then we’ll be out and about doing things. I’ve been here twice before, in the area, but didn’t do anything really, so this’ll be my first REALLY good look at Charleston. We were maybe going…
Comings and Goings
Frank is away on a short trip. He sent me a few photos he took with his cell phone. I haven’t gotten them online yet, but will later tonight I think. I’ll link that here if/when I do. Frank also told me on the phone earlier that someone might be offering him a job soon.…
Exploding things
What a night 🙁 Tired me began searching for “what to do with chicken breasts” for dinner, with no Daddy here to cook for, just me and the children. I thought of Chicken Parmesan, but I didn’t have any bread crumbs to use at the time … I could have MADE them, but that was…
Strider by Maisy
I am artistic, but not an “artist” by any means. I am not “naturally good with any artistic mediums to create”. I do mean “art” here, as in drawing, painting, etc. I have a natural talent for being ABLE to do things. I have “my own way” of doing such things. I haven’t been trained.…