Turkey Aftermath
Dinner is over, left-overs put away, some of the dishes washed, some not. 🙂 It was a hard afternoon. I didn’t get the turkey in the oven until later than I wanted. It took until after 5pm for it to be done. Then it had to sit, of course, while the stuffing was taken out…
Me Big Eyed!
😀 Oh it was funny! Just a minute ago, I’m sitting here reading something on another site, and Russell came up the steps from the basement and was standing there and tried to get my attention. I looked at him, he proceeded to show me how to do a loop. Shaked his body back and…
A series of End of August Asa
Here is Asa, wearing a new outfit. It’s part of the HUGE eBay Lot I got for him. This series of photos was taken the day it arrived. He was anxious to wear something out of it. The socks are the only thing visible that we already had. 🙂 The shirt has a graphic of…
Look at Asa!
This takes a while to download [it’ll autoplay], but it’s worth it to see a first! Click below to download the [QUICKTIME] movie of Asa [3.87 mb] Asa Learned to Swing Yesterday late afternoon Asa wanted to go outside and play, so I said “Yes.” A short time later he was yelling for me to…
Trying to do some things
I’ve set my computer up again. I had it sleeping for the last quite a few days, totally disinterested in much of anything having to do with the computer. I went to a few sites via my husbands desktop during that time, but did very, very, very little. I forced myself to open my ‘puter…
Babyfour Update
Please see the update on babyfour.
Clothing, clothing, baby and mama’s
I am so tired of late, of course, being in the first trimester of a new pregnancy. I’m finding it hard to do so many things, motivation to cook is fairly nil. I’m not having “morning sickness” but just feel anti-to-making-food. 🙁 Well, that’s alway’s worse when the night before is a bad one, or,…
New part of this site
Click here for the newest part of this site. Officially opened on March 6, 2004 …
Movies for Family
Elizabeth G. asked me about movie suggestions in the comments under Updates and Rambling Talk. So here goes: For Elizabeth G. and anyone else who may care about this! In our home we have several Disney movies, mostly the “older” ones, Toy Story, The Little Mermaid, and the ones before that. I’ve been alright with…
Little Flock in our yard
Victoria called me to her room a bit ago, said there was a red-headed bird, like a woodpecker that she was looking at. I asked her if it was on a tree, and she said “No, it’s on the grass”. So I went in there and lo and behold, it wasn’t a woodpecker … it…
Conversations of the young
Overheard: Asa was in Victoria’s room early this morning. Victoria said “That’s zero. Asa it’s zero. Do you know what zero is?” pregnant pause, silence. “It’s nothing” said Victoria, answering herself. I imagine that whatever it was they were referring to, Asa must have been standing there with his right-hand thumb in his mouth, just…
Tom and Jerry
My children were oohing and ahhhing over something in the other room, so I went to check it out. They had a Tom and Jerry coloring book of mine and were looking through it, and overly impressed with Mama’s past coloring of some of the pages [the ones that I had already colored]. I love…
New Photos coming soon
I recently found a stash of photo’s … something that I put away. I’m seeing these photo’s as if I’ve really not seen them before. The year 2000, December. Cute little children. So I’ll be getting them ready … I just have to decide which are what, since there are two rolls, both not developed…
Happy Birthday to Asa!
Happy Birthday to Asa! He is 3 today. Three years ago he was a sweet newborn baby boy, born at home earlier in the night. He got a Radio Flyer Tricycle today, he’s able to peddle and is just such a big boy. His bigger sister got on it and they decided it’d be fun…
A New Pledge, and other ideas on learning at home
I’ve been reading different things about education lately … hence these ideas: I haven’t liked the term “Home School” or the answer to the question: “What grade are you in?” or “Are you ready to go back to school” and the myriad of others that abound. It didn’t bother me always to use the term…
That Gorgeous September Moon
I just went out on the deck with my Canon Rebel 2000 after spying the moon through the glass of the French doors. It was gorgeous, looks full, but not exactly quite. I took at least 3 or 4 photos with my longest lense, using a night-time mode. I sure hope they turn out alright.…
Good Things going down
See my first post for today on my Eggreport. Something different happened when I first checked the hens today. Then see my second post for today on my Eggreport. Something really big happened today, and something cool too. Which is which? Interchangeable, I’d say! Post comments here and there, or anywhere!
We are expecting it to rain anytime, accoring to the radar it should be raining 😉 At any rate, it’s after dusk and I was outside and noticed a few lights flashing here and there around the fence in the back yard, under the Locust Tree. Sure enough, it was Fireflies! Sounds like a silly…
My Desktop Today
Here’s what my desktop looks like today. A mess, but a nice background! Click on the picture to see a pop-up full-size version of this Sepia-colored recent photo of Russell, Victoria, and Asa!
Three New Items Added
Yesterday I had Russell and Victoria make new pictures to scan for the web. Here you’ll find: Our House by Russell, and the flip side of that page: A Train Named Choo-Choo-Chug-A-Chug, also by Russell. Here you’ll find: “Paperdoll” by Victoria.