Category: Eggs

  • Nest box built

    On Saturday Frank and I got the nest boxes built. We still have to mount the thing on the side of the pen, we’ll be hanging it on the side so that the roof of the pen is roof of the nest box, and so then the egg collection will be easy. As well, the…

  • We have our first egg!

    We have storms moving through, last night and this morning there was lots of rain, and now it’s quiet, but rain still threatens. This was our first real thunderstorm of the year … tons of lightening throughout the night. It’s balmy now, in the mid 60’s, and very humid. So, I sloshed through the yard…

  • Happy March 2003! Various subjects

    It’s been dreary raining here for the last few days, and for us, whether or not this “Northern” phrase applies — March is coming in like a lamb … it’s just blah rain, like drizzle. There was lots of blowiness to the weather over a week ago, now that was very much the proverbial LION…

  • Warmer temperatures, and laying, right around the corner

    The weather [] is forecasting warmer temperatures for the next few nights than they were last week. That means that we won’t be below freezing at all, if it turns out that way. That’s good news for hens and plants. The Weeping Willow tree is putting out it’s greenery, and a few other trees are…

  • They are here!

    We got the hens tonight. They are sweet looking. Leghorns, ten of them. They are in the pen, with the traveling dog kennel in the pen with them, the kennel is what they came home with us in. We gave them water and mash, and opened the door. One brave soul ventured forth rather quickly,…

  • A First for us — chickens

    Last evening Frank and I banged out three and a half sides for our new chicken pen. The night before that we did the first half of one, and figured out what we were going to build, the design of it, that is. This is our first farming structure! We used lumber from our house,…