Category: Gardening

  • Apple Trees will bloom soon

    Our Liberty Apple trees will be blooming soon. The buds are setting and two on one of the trees opened today. I supposed many will open tomorrow and Monday. The problem with this is that the tree that needs to bloom so that the Liberty blossoms can be fertilized is our MacFree, which rarely has…

  • Locust Nursery

    A nutty thing I’ve been doing is collecting our Locust Tree babies. They are springing up everywhere in the circumference of that dear tree. It’s the only tree that existed on our property when we first moved in, November 1997. It’s right by the property line, so not quite all ours, but mostly. It gives…

  • Spring Plant Profile

    Our trees, etc: Autumn Flame Maple – 3 : blooming October Glory Maple – 1: nearing readiness to bloom Weeping Willow – 1: leafed out and getting longer Apple: 3: waiting until April Yoshino Cherry – 3: getting ready to bloom soon Cherokee Chief Dogwood – 2: getting ready to open blooms The mystery tree…

  • Spring Begins!

    It’s officially Spring now! Today is the first FULL day of Spring. I am hoping for a decent small garden of tomatoes and peppers and whatever else. May God bless my gardening tries this growing season, and give a bountiful harvest and help me fend off the pests throughout. I pray He will allow things…

  • Spring! Signs everywhere!

    It’s a lovely day so far. It’s supposed to be up to around 61 degrees F. The sun is shining. Spring is in the air. I forgot to post this exciting news the other day. Victoria were on the deck the other day sorting through some Thyme I’d cut out of my herb garden (hair…

  • Ice Storm Cometh

    Brrr. It’s cold again. It was so nice the last couple of days. I was wearing a summer dress yesterday. Day before too. Now it’s back to BRRRR! There is a Winter Storm Warning for our area. Should be rain coming later today, and with plummenting temperatures, Ice or Sleet or a Mix, and maybe…

  • Misspelt: learned something more

    CUCKOO-SPIT, CUCKOO-SPITTLE, n. A dew or exudation found on plants, especially about the joints of lavender and rosemary. Or a froth or spume found on the leaves of certain plants, as on white field-lychnis or catch-fly, called sometimes spatling poppy. I spelled Lavender as “lavendar” in the Either/Or previous post today (edited to reflect…

  • Frost Warning – First One of Season

    Tonight we have a Frost Warning. The first one for the season. I have that Lone Tomato plant to cover, as it has many tomatoes on it still maturing. It’s the best plant I’ve ever grown, though I haven’t really grown this one, if one knows about it as I wrote about it earlier. [do…

  • The Lone October Tomato plant

    My one lone tomato plant, natural and give to me –not planted by me, given to me by natural however it was it happened … 🙂 The one I’ve written about before, I found it growing up where the hens had been stationed in earlier weeks, and I had caged it and it was growing…

  • Happy October!

    Time is flying. Amazingly it is faster this year than ever before. Didn’t Winter just end, the sun just start being out more each day, when now it’s out less each day, and the temperatures aren’t AS tough, it’s backwards Spring. But it was just Spring. My garden is a mass of dead plants and…

  • Liberty Apple Blossoms

    Liberty Apple Blossoms

    Here is the best photo I took with the digital camera on April 9, 2004, IMO. It’s a closeup portrait of blossoms on a Liberty Apple Tree. It’s a semi-swarf tree, we have two of them, originally planted in March 1998 as small bareroot trees in the front yard, and moved to their present location…

  • Birds around, and the gardening I’m doing

    I thought it’d be nice to write about the birds and behaviour I’ve been noticing of late. Our big Cedar Feeder, installed on a pole in the yard for a few years, fell over on a day that was compassed by many large gust of wind, and the day after as well, if I recall…

  • Lion and Lamb

    Tradtion says that if March comes in like a Lion it’ll go out like a Lamb, visa versa. That’s what I learned as a small child in Pennsylvania. It’s not a useful saying in The South though. In any case, March 1 and 2 have been blustery, windy, but nice days. Lots of wind gusts…

  • Plumb tuckerd and tickled

    Well, it’s been hard work today. I was in the garden and that’s just something wearisome in late-January (I started to type “mid-January, and realize we are at the end already! Where’d it go?!!!). Un-accustomed to that bent position, since I hadn’t “really” done it since June 2003, I dare say, I grew tired fast.…

  • Ice Storm

    On Sunday late afternoon, the rain on trees started to turn to ice. So, we finally had an ice storm. It was mild here, the roads were mostly safe, as far as we know from what we experienced. Everything was frozen through this morning, only melting as the morning warmed up finally. One and a…

  • Mild Weather and trees

    We’ve hit another mild spell in the weather. It was in the high 50’s to low 60’s on Monday (I say today, since I’ve yet to fall asleep 🙂 ) Tomorrow (really “Today” Tuesday) it’s supposed to reach 63 degrees F. The low overnight tonigh should be down to 38, and that is so much…

  • Liberty time! Apples

    We have two Liberty Apple trees in our backyard, and one Mac Free. They are semi-dwarf trees, they two varieties fertilize each other. We planted these trees when they were small little things, bare root sticks really. They came via parcel post. That was in early Spring 1998. We planted them a few days after…

  • Canning Tomatoes

    My garden is doing alright. Hence I tried some canning for the first time ever, yesterday. I have 2 jars [1-qt each] of tomato sauce, and 2 jars [1-pint each] of quartered tomatoes. Success! The lids are sealed. The only canning I will do is of high acid stuff, tomatoes and fruit, basically. I won’t…

  • Gardening stuff, and more

    I sprayed the tomato plants with the BT Worm Killer just awhile ago. I waited until it was a bit cooler, not that it mattered. The whole affair just pooped me out anyhow. [I am quite intolerant to too much heat, anything above 70 degrees flakes me out in varying degrees … which makes the…

  • Tomatoes – let the killing begin

    We got Bt Worm Killer, which is a liquid concentrate form of Bt, for the tomato problem. If I’d been able to diagnose the problem sooner, it’d have been a better deal, but since that’s not the case, I must accept the way it is. Damage, and more to come, but perhaps we’ll get a…