Eggs and Industrialization
I am so happy to have our hens laying again. I’ve so missed their eggs, even though we found a farm less than 10 miles away to get good eggs from. They use the same layer feed that we are now using [we get it from them]. So now that “their” eggs are gone we…
Testing Trackback to Valerie
Did this trackback AND ping? http://www.boundbygrace.net/wp/index.php/2005/02/what-is-wrong-with-the-world/trackback/ One or the other, or both? and also ping again from this link in the post: http://www.boundbygrace.net/wp/index.php/2005/02/what-is-wrong-with-the-world
Many Things in One Post
This is my “many things in one post” post. Weather, books, hens, wild birds, etc. The weather has turned mild again. Yesterday it was warm enough not to need a fire upon waking. Last night was warm too. It’s currently in the mid-50’s, and that’s without the sun’s aiding. It’s been mostly cloudy, morelike “light…
Eggs for Jan 22 2005
1-22-2005 Egg Count: Total Eggs: 0 Frank and I just went out and checked for eggs, and there were none. That was 1:00 PM. The weather is rather nasty. It’s foggy/hazy very wet mist all the way to the ground, with everything coated with a light wet film of water. The air is supposedly 37…
Worse Cold of the Season
I’ve had some sniffly sore throat things this “winter season” but nothing like the one I’m enduring now. Yesterday was the worst day since symptoms started, with it culminating with me hightailing it to bed just after 7pm. Too miserable to sit in a chair anylonger. Too miserable to stand around. Just needed to chill…
Another little Quiz
I found this via Kelly’s blog. It’s pretty right on, with me being an INTP with a quarter E thrown in, but most ENTP descriptions fit me fine with everything, exeception that I gain energy from being alone, internally which is Introvert, as an E gains it from being with others which is Extrovert. That’s…
Either/Or Fun for the New Year
Carmon now has RSS via WP as her weblog … way to go Carmon! I also found this little frivolity on Carmon’s Site: My answers are in BOLD below the numbered line options. 1. Pillow – Down or Polyester or Foam I prefer Down but don’t own any [yet] due to cost 2. Facial or…
New Years Eve Traditions
What New Years Eve/Day traditons do we have? Well only this: DH: FOOTBALL ME: Feel a clean-up cold-gray day no matter what the day outside is like. It’s like a clear-slate, clean-slate, whatever one wishes to call it. It’s like a New Year … and it’s organization day. It’s not that I’m good at it…
Year End Update
It’s been mild again, weather wise, and it looks to hold out through the end of the year, as well as the first week of the new year. Very odd, very nice though. Highs in the 60’s, lows in the 40’s … great weather for me! I’d love it to be like this most of…
Fireplace in use
Last night it was supposed to get down to freezing, or lower, and indeed it did. Right now, at about 8:21am EST it’s supposedly 28 degrees F. with a “feels like” temperature of 24 degrees F. Suffice it to say, we have our first fireplace fire of the season 😉 I must admit, as far…
Production is up
Good day today for the Australorps … Four Eggs … that’s 100% of them laying today! Yesterday we had three. We had a jumbo egg from their pen this past weekend as well. [notable since really big eggs are not often laid by younger layers, and the only other we had from them came the…
27 Q & A’s
Originally found at Carmon’s site. 1. What time do you get up? Varies, but the last month+ it’s been around 6am, just happens. Not planned. (I sleep until I awake, no clocks!) 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? My husband. A few times we’ve been able to go…
Virus/Cold and stuff
I’m feeling miserable. Asa was first in line. A few days before his birthday he sounded kind of stuffy, and worse each day, and is now doing better. I, on the other hand, began feeling weird a few days after his birthday, and have been drowning in it badly since Saturday. Initially I only had…
End of Summer Organizing
My computer, the desktop, has sparked a Re-Organization, which I’d say is akin to what’s known as “Spring Cleaning”, just not “cleaning” –but moving around, throwing away, re-doing this and that –cleaning automatically happens with such as that. 🙂 My User Profile seems to have gotten mussed up somehow. I was getting Blue Screen of…
My First Boyds Bear
My first Boyd’s Bear was purchased in 1995, I think, at Dillards. I didn’t know he was a Boyd’s Bear, only that he was very cute and so we bought him for me. I love Teddy Bears, but hadn’t much of a collection, just a few odds and ends. Mr. Teddy Bear 1995 was to…
Autumn and Winter clothing from eBay
My recent eBay purchases are filtering in. Today I expect a LOT of sweaters for Victoria. Just a while ago the HUGE LOT of clothing 4T for boys was dropped off. Fast shipping, incredible deal as well. The clothing is superb and JUST RIGHT for our dear Asa. The colors in person are him 100%.…
Either/Or Movie Edition
Found here: http://thinklings.org/jared/index.php?p=544&more=1&c=1 EITHER/OR Movie Edition Rules: Choose one or the other, no boths. Neither is only acceptable if you don’t have any information on either option. Feel free to provide reasons, excuses, defenses, diatribes. Matinee or Late-Night Showing— not often at the movies, but matinee near end of run is our favorite Full Theater…
Either/Or Literary Edition
Found via … carmon friedrich’s blog … sherry before that … ORIGINAL LOCATION: http://www.thinklings.org/index.php?p=1333&more=1&c=1 — go straight to the source for the cleanest copy! 🙂 I’ve fitted my version out with li and /li and br so that each line of the “quiz” is bulleted, any responses I have are right under that line beginning…
Shopping 🙁 eBaying 🙂
UPDATE [Thursday, August 26, 2004 6:00pm Eastern]: I got a nice lot of clothes for Asa last night as well. A “one fell swoop” of what he needs for autum-winter. Earlier times pass downs from Russell worked alright if the season was right for size, as Asa is smaller than Russell was … born in…
12th Anniversary
Happy Anniversary to us! Twelve years ago today: August 22, 1992 the couple was married in the afternoon at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in South Florida, as Hurricane Andrew was bearing down on the coast … no one knew where it’d hit, and the bride and groom didn’t even know it existed. It ended up…