Building Time
I was looking out the back door and noticed something moving in the Maple in the East part of the yard, directly ahead to the left a bit. I got out my binoculars, and sure enough, in the tree was a Northern Mockingbird, building a nest. I went out and looked at it a little…
The Babies have Fledged!
My Eastern Bluebird babies have fledged their nest. Yesterday they were in there, evidenced by their Mama and Papa feeding them, and the noise of the babies whenever their parents checked on them. I’ve not been watching the nest box this morning. So, I was outside getting eggs and decided to check on the babies.…
Birds of late
Over the weekend the Hummers began coming to our feeders, visual sightings, that had been infrequent at best since migration this Spring, began to be more usual, with today being a day of acrobatic two-some between two young male RT’s. It’s a rainy day today. Warm and muggy, with the rain stopped for now. I…
When they should leave the box …
Judging from my previous posts about the Bluebirds this season, these new babies will be fledging sometime after June 6. I’ve picked that day as –day 13– after their hatching, so then I can expect fledging at *about* 17 days, but from day 13 on out monitor from further away so they don’t exit the…
Northern Cardinals
I was, just a little bit ago, looking out the front windows of the house and heard a lot of bird noise, high very squeeky stuff. So I went out on the porch, and a female Northern Cardinal flew out of the October Glory Maple, over to the Dogwood trees. The sound continued emmitting from…
We have babies!
I checked the Bluebird box today. My Mom and Els and Joel were here, so I wanted to show them the box and it’s contents. I thought I heard little squeeky sounds before I opened the door, and sure enough, there was a little fuzzy head with a wide open yellow beak! All four eggs…
Our Maple is hosting again
Our October Glory Maple tree, the one I’ve written about below, propagation, was new last Spring 2002. Installed as a large tree, it immediately was subject to hosting a Northern Mockingbird couple and their nest and youngun’s. That nest lasted all summer and into autumn and winter, and now in mid-spring is being overhauled by…
Mrs. Bluebird Sits
There were four eggs in the Bluebird nest the last time I was able to look at it without the Mama bird in it. She, Mrs. Bluebird, began her sitting season a few days ago. So it’s four or five eggs in the clutch. I went that day to take a picture of the eggs,…
More Bluebird news
Yesterday, Wednesday, I checked the Bluebird box, and in the nest were 3 beautiful blue eggs. I haven’t checked again today yet. I probably will later this evening, after watching the box for the parents a while.
Good news in the nest!
Our Eastern Bluebird pair have finally laid a beautiful blue egg! It’s gorgeous! I just checked them, since they’ve been hanging around their box more today. They both left and went to sit on an adjacent fence. So out I trotted and found the nest NOT empty. What a joy that was. I’m pulling for…
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
I just saw a female Rose-Breasted Grosbeak in our backyard and in the feeder. It’s a first for me to see one of these birds, and therefore to see one at this property. For birders, life-lists sitings are exciting. So, I’m excited, for me needless to say, but to let y’all know, it’s a very…
Heat and Bird Feeder
I went out in High Noon mostly-sunny Northeast Georgia mid-spring timing, this day that means in the high 70’s. To do what? Move the big cedar gazebo feeder. It’s a large feeder on top of a cedar pole that is secured by a stake in the bottom of the cedar pole. The original design has…
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
I saw the Red-Bellied Woodpecker of our neighborhood the other day. He was sitting on the fence when I looked to the left while I was on the deck. I hadn’t seen him since last year sometime. This morning Frank told me he’d seen him also, another time. Then later there he was, the Woodpecker,…
Bluebird fights
The Bluebirds are still working on their nest a bit. They are defending it also. Today the European Starlings were bothering them some. There has been a Northern Mockingbird hanging around close to the house of late. It lands on the railing of the deck and walks back and forth sometimes. Today it did that,…
Nest in the Bluebird Box
I checked the Bluebird box today. There is a nest inside! I checked a few days ago, nothing but a few pieces of dried grass. The other day I did see Mrs. Bluebird come out of the box, in particular. I’ve seen them sitting near the box often enough, but not alot of actual “in…
I’m pleased to announce …
I am now hosting Howard King’s “A Christian Agrarian Critique of Technological Society”. It’s a fantastic look at modern society through the Christian Agrarian lense, which is a Biblical look at the whole enchilada. Click here for “A Christian Agrarian Critique of Technological Society”. It’s worth reading. If you are interested in agrarian things or…
Here’s a nice picture with added graphics
This was taken, as stated on the picture, somewhere around April 2002. Strider and Dixie are brother and sister, adopted in December 2001 when they were about 7 months old. Strider is the only male cat in the house, and definitely the King. He’s my big old lover too. A big ol’ hunk o’ cat.…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I created a desktop for Frank, and have it on my computer for the “holiday” too. I decided to share it with whomever else would like it as well. Here it is: Pick the one right for your monitor resolution: 800 x 600 56kb 1024 x 768 82kb 1280 x 1024 101kb 1600 x 1200…
A big boy
News I forgot to put down is: Asa is potty-learned! He’s been there for over a week now, and is just now a month shy of being 2 1/2 years old. Way to go Asa! Now there are no more diapers to be changed. I’ll put them away until they are needed, hopefully, again.
December 2002
It’s December! It came really fast this year. Yes, the years go faster once you are an adult, but I must say this year sped past really fast, for that other years for sure. Wasn’t it just a few months ago that it snowed here at our house? Oh, that was December 2001. Today it’s…