Australorp Eggs
Here are some egg pictures. The light brown egg is a Wyandotte egg, and the two darker brown eggs are Australorp eggs. These are the first two Australorp eggs, from Monday and Tuesday. Just shy of 22 weeks of age is when they started. Today, Wednesday, June 30, 2004 they are 22 weeks old. 🙂…
My New Blue
First off the music. It’s the whole album, the whole thing. I like both Styx “The Grand Illusion” and “Paradise Theater” in particular. Recently I found an old cassette tape of PT and so we went out and found both the above on CD. Ah, the good stuff once again! Frank went out and got…
My Cool Friend
See my new friend? He’s smiling, green and really cool, well, as cool as he can be given the degree of heat 😉 The three pictures aren’t exactly the same: one of them you can see the fan moving in. The other two, the fan was moving when the photo was snapped, but the flash…
Strider and Dixie
Photos of two cats
Baby Bluebirds!
I checked the Eastern Bluebird Nestbox yesterday AM, and there were little baby bluebirds in the nest! I’ll check them out today, to be sure it’s four, or another number. I didn’t delve deeply into the nest yesterday.
Liberty Apple Blossoms
Here is the best photo I took with the digital camera on April 9, 2004, IMO. It’s a closeup portrait of blossoms on a Liberty Apple Tree. It’s a semi-swarf tree, we have two of them, originally planted in March 1998 as small bareroot trees in the front yard, and moved to their present location…
My 2003 Clouds Desktop
I found a little stack of photo envelopes that we had developed at the end of Nov 2003, and this was one of the pictures. I loved it, so here is my new desktop! The photo was taken sometime in late Summer 2003, I am guessing (this past year our photo developing has been very…
Ice Storm
On Sunday late afternoon, the rain on trees started to turn to ice. So, we finally had an ice storm. It was mild here, the roads were mostly safe, as far as we know from what we experienced. Everything was frozen through this morning, only melting as the morning warmed up finally. One and a…
New Photo Log
I’ve been working on a new Photo Log. I’ve imported most everything into the new setup and now have it in the place of the previous one. Referrers on it are new, they didn’t transfer, so page views and referrer links are starting from scratch. This photo log is just the same in how I…
Changes on Weblog and Photo Log
I’ve done some work on this weblog, as well in my Photo Log. In this weblog, I’ve done some coding so that when I write a post, fully typed out links are autolinked as hyperlinks to open in new windows, and the same for anyone who posts a comment — just type out from http…
Photos from September
There are new photos being added to my Photo Log. Take a look. Here is one from Asa’s birthday, 1st in a series of 10, his big present [click the photo to go to this series on my Photo Log]: I have some cat pictures already there, and more to be scanned and loaded in…
Backyard Hawk
I was sitting here looking at something on the computer, and felt a need to look out the window to the backyard. What did I see, I did a double-take. Red-wing Hawk sitting on the Box Tower, one end of the “Jungle” play set we have. I had a few frightening minutes looking for my…
New Photos coming soon
I recently found a stash of photo’s … something that I put away. I’m seeing these photo’s as if I’ve really not seen them before. The year 2000, December. Cute little children. So I’ll be getting them ready … I just have to decide which are what, since there are two rolls, both not developed…
That Gorgeous September Moon
I just went out on the deck with my Canon Rebel 2000 after spying the moon through the glass of the French doors. It was gorgeous, looks full, but not exactly quite. I took at least 3 or 4 photos with my longest lense, using a night-time mode. I sure hope they turn out alright.…
Cameras, digital or film
I can’t get my digital CHEAP camera to download to the computer. It may be a bad cable, and I have no way of getting a new one. It’s that cheap Earthlink Xirlink camera you can get by subbing to their service, if you get that offer. I’ve used it often enough, it’s good for…
Classic 50’s
Here are two photos from my Mother. She sent them via snail mail, and I recieved them this morning. They were taken in the early 1950’s in NE Maryland, a farm, and a cow posing for my Mom. I scanned them in at a high resolution to get a larger online version than the original…
New photos on My Photo Log
Check out today’s Photo Log entries. I was able to load up my May 1999 photos of Victoria. She was a sweet little baby back then. I’ve added “Daily” archives to my Photo Log, which is what kind of page the link above is. I haven’t added it into any of my “archive” indexes yet…
New Photos online
I’ve added several pictures to my photolog. Here’s a sampling: Flowers … and … Mrs. Bluebird, and some other birds, all from this month of May 2003. Check it out here. Scroll down to the bottom for the most recent pictures. Feel more than free to leave a comment here, or there by any or…
New Hen Photos
New photos of the hens. We have four new hens. Click photo to go to the category page for the Henny-pennies. I add the pictures today, May 12, 2003. They were taken [today] with our cheap digital camera, so aren’t particularly wonderful, but they are utilitarian enough to be useful to look at. Our new…
Iris, the photos
I have the photos of the Iris that bloomed, our first iris blooming. It’s since faded, of course, but this was just the other week. Beautiful! Click “track back” below this post for the links.