Ivan’s rain
Ivan’s rain yesterday came in sheets. Firstly it was misty sprinkling, wind making sprinkling misty, then heavier sprinkling, then the rain really came down in torrents and sheets. It was wonderful to watch. The wind beat and howled at the back of the house. That would be wind coming from the South, then, as we…
Ode to September 2004 Storms
Ivan came and sang at our door Four- inches or more from Frances, just the week before Four-inches or more from Ivan, this is very true We needed rain, God sent these storms We’re overfilled But happily so The earth soaked up that water blue Frances, she wailed and weeped ‘oh please come out and…
Our Frances Experience
It started raining after we went to bed. Maybe around midnight, or after. It was after that I remembered, oops, the dog is still out in his kennel. So we had to get out of bed and put him in his crate in the basement. We also had to shut all the windows due to…
Tropical Storm Frances in Georgia
Former Hurricane Frances, now Tropical Storm Frances, has been overhead all day, her Norther Tail, that is. It’s been breezy and gusty, nothing bad yet, just very much more “windy” than any given day. Overcast with the low flowing tropical formation clouds, making it all seem surreal, as in a sci-fi movie, sort of. Hurricane…
Frances and Ivan
Hurricane Frances made landfall around 5:30am this morning, Stuart, FL area. The hurricane force winds extend out quite a bit, so you can be far from the eye and it’s still bad. We are praying for y’all! She’s a big one. Once she tracks further west and north it’ll be interesting to see what becomes…
Storm Buff that I am, here’s some more on Frances and friends. Frances is looking, according to forecast models, to go up through Alabama now, not even close to NE GA as originally forecasted … so how much rain will we get? It’s debateable from this distance, with Frances still not even over the coastline…
Drudgery Day
See here the map, and see why I’m blah, blah, blah. Give it time to load … [492 kb] once it loads it’ll go through it’s pretty cycle.
It rained today
It’s not rained for a few days, always threatening at some point in the day at least once though. Today it finally rained. Relief, sort of. It was hot and muggy early today, a sure sign it SHOULD rain. After it rained, during as well, it cooled down, but not too soon of course it…
Brrr II and birds
It’s early, and cold. We kept the fire going late last night, so it’d warm the house longer, and also make it easier to get it going in the morning. Good thing. When it’s down below freezing, it gets cold in here FAST. There’s a certain edge of chilliness that can’t be shaken from the…
Lion and Lamb
Tradtion says that if March comes in like a Lion it’ll go out like a Lamb, visa versa. That’s what I learned as a small child in Pennsylvania. It’s not a useful saying in The South though. In any case, March 1 and 2 have been blustery, windy, but nice days. Lots of wind gusts…
Winter Wonderland
It’s nearly the end of February, and we got our first real snowfall for the Winter over night. It was raining off and on yesterday, and continued doing that at night, with wind picking up, and lots of gusts … I had a hard time sleeping, with the pelting rain at the window, and hearing…
Weather is warming soon!
In viewing the weather for the next 15 days, tonights cold will end the coldest for awhile. Most every day hence for the 15 day forcast is highs in the 50’s and 60’s, nay, even to the high 60’s some days. Wow! Spring is near. There is one day, the 25th I think it is,…
Cold, diversion needed
It’s a cold day. It was so nice the last few days. Well, DH is out-of-town, in the Carolina’s where there is snow from this same weather system we had here yesterday and today. We don’t have that though. It’s 44 degrees F. right now, with overcast skies. No warming sun, just residual cold left…
Water, wet, rain, rain, rain
It’s been raining since yesterday, actually stopped for now, but it rained a lot yesterday, and overnight, and all this morning … we also had very heavy rain late this morning, then some tiny to nearly pea-size hail on and off for about 15 minutes. Wind gust picked up then, and the rain stopped, and…
Sun, Son, Sun, Son
The sun is shining a bit today. Clouds and sun intermittently. It’s a joy to see sun. The irony of it is that in just a few short months I’ll be sheilding myself from it as much as possible. My fingers will then be too warm, instead of the too cold of nowadays. I love…
Weather turns to ice again
We have ice now. I hadn’t checked the temp earlier, it was supposed to be down ot 38 last night and up to 40 today, not much difference, but above freezing. So it was raining during the night, as expected, then I got an advisory email just awhile ago, with an ice warning … a…
Ice Storm
On Sunday late afternoon, the rain on trees started to turn to ice. So, we finally had an ice storm. It was mild here, the roads were mostly safe, as far as we know from what we experienced. Everything was frozen through this morning, only melting as the morning warmed up finally. One and a…
Mild Weather and trees
We’ve hit another mild spell in the weather. It was in the high 50’s to low 60’s on Monday (I say today, since I’ve yet to fall asleep 🙂 ) Tomorrow (really “Today” Tuesday) it’s supposed to reach 63 degrees F. The low overnight tonigh should be down to 38, and that is so much…
Cold, cold, cold
It’s been like Spring, really what I’d like to call “Summer” if only Summer would be so nice, around 70-74 as a high, mostly in the high 60’s usually for daytime temps. I digress … It’s been around 70 or higher some days the past week, with temperature getting down in the 50’s at the…
Dog Days of Summer –in November?
It’s been hot the last week. Very “un-November-like” Add muggy to it yesterday and today, and understand that I might as well be in a jungle, minus the tropical zap. This kind of hot and humid just is icky and make ones cranky. We are without A/C now too, so that just makes it nearly…