It’s Autumn now. We’ve had lots of rain, the good kind, in the past week and a half. It’s raining today again, 1/2 inch so far today. It’s also cool, in the low 60’s. Wow! It feels so nice outside, even with all that humidity. It’s reminding me of how it’ll feel in another couple of months or sooner.
Why is it so good we have rain? We’ve been in a drought, like a lot of this country. But we are pulling ahead finally, at least for this month, and getting the rain the plants need for the end of the Summer/Beginning of Autumn. Tree’s have lost some leaves due to dryness. And some of our trees are attempting to re-leaf, and this rain is aiding that process. We also have bird seed sprouting in the big cedar bird feeder. It’s been so wet consistently that the millet is growing. That’s a first since we’ve had the feeder out and stocked year round since March a couple of years ago.