Carpet, going, going …

We’ve moved stuff around in the house. I ripped out most of the carpet in the ‘livingroom’, the only remaining is what’s under the entertainment armoire. It’s just too big and heavy to do anything with by myself, and not worth enlisting Frank to do anything about it, unless we would be moving it all to another spot, which isn’t really do-able just yet.

This was on Saturday, by the way. We had knocked around all kinds of ideas, and my one old idea [that’s been in my head, and repeated aloud quite often for a few years] came to the forefront, and was implemented.

Our livingroom no longer exists, that’s now the “dining room” and the “eat-in side of the kitchen” is now my “office/education space”. We have many things we need to do, to get it all into shape. But the overall move is done, I’m sitting with my laptop right where we used to eat all our meals. It’s rather nice. The kitchen isn’t so cramped, and the dining room is so “spacious”. Eating at the table in there is a blessing.

The main thing that remains to do, besides massive organization of stuff, is ripping out molding, painting, installing wood floor, ceramic tile, etc., then new moldings.

That’s all off in the distant future. For now, we are living on the sub-floor in many rooms. We have carpet to remove from bedrooms next. It’s not bad at all, we are doing all the work, and I love demolition work. That’s a bonus. I love install work too, and painting. This whole “project” is one that is crazy, and I love it!

A side project to this is finishing the basement. It was never finished, so we aren’t ripping it up, just need to get it fully wired and the floors, walls, ceilings covered. Frank has his office down there now. It’s a temporary setup, with the ethernet cable to hook his computer up to the router put through a hole in the wall. From my office table in the kitchen, through the wall, into that basement room to Frank’s computer. It’s a fast way to wire 😉 just temporary though.

Frank’s happy, he has his computer to work with, while on the phone — alone. I have mine here, in a better spot in the kitchen. And the passage-ways won’t be so clogged up now. If you’ve never been here, you can’t imagine it all. But if you have been here, perhaps you can.

It’s a tri-level house … left to right it’s garage on a slab, kitchen/livingroom on a crawl space, then the next section is two levels — down to the basement rooms and up to the bedrooms. It makes for a major space that’s mostly meant to be a passageway, and not much space to do things with, in the way of permanently stationed furniture. Eventually, the downstairs will house our “family room” and that’s the best this house will do. I’d much rather have a dining room than a living room, if it meant having to eat in a funny kitchen, and if you have guests over for a meal, that’s where it all happens too.

No more!

2 responses to “Carpet, going, going …”

  1. Marysue,
    This so describes our situation over the last few years. We too are remodeling ourselves, have an unfinished basement, have been living on subflooring in most of the house, need to wire, put up trim, and the list goes on. I empathize. Like you too, I enjoy it and the time spent working w/ my dh is a blessing…just wish we had all the energy, time and money in the world to get it done faster because the chaos it creates (sometimes) gets to me. That and it’s hard to be completely hospitable when you are in the middle of a “tear-up.” Is it just us or do the holidays and unexpected visitors show up for you also when you are in the midst of a particularly messy project?! LOL
    Tamara (AK)

  2. Ah, the time, money, money, money, to get it all done!

    We actually don’t have many visitors, hardly ever, and surely the only unexpected people at the door are selling something, or trying to convert someone … 😉

    Other than that, if we do have someone coming over, it’s a big deal to get things in order. We aren’t too organized ever, what is organization anyhow? Our family all live far away, blessing and curse. And we, just to say it plain, are in the boonies, that’s how people envision where we live. It’s really not that bad, but for those that drive 10 miles and think that’s far from home, well, that does put us in the boonies!

    When it all gets to me is when a lot gets done. How’s that?!!!

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