Going on and on

My children are getting older. Of course they are, but it’s the anniversaries of events that mark such growth coming up that make me think of it. My eldest is turning 13 on the 29th. My youngest will be 22 months old on the 23rd.

I’m working on birthday stuff for the 29th. Elections for birthday breakfast and birthday dinner have already been made. I need to decide on what cake to make, and finalize presents. I’ve purchased some decorations and have some presents, need to get some other things accomplished in that vein.

Baby Q is getting so big, and talking more and more, and really understanding vastly more than ever. He’s really cute and quite a ham at times. He’s still my baby, but branching out more towards others. He’s a full fledged Toddler. He gets into trouble a lot too. We have a gate that is frustratingly not a good one though it should have been. I have to re-install it, he gets it opened and goes downstairs and opens the door to the room where the cats are when they aren’t supposed to be out … anyhow, he loves cartoons and “gets mad” if you turn the channel … and some other things make him mad, so that’s the big thing I have to work on with him, and also the others, as they get on each other and it’s just worse right now, with Spring kicking into high gear and things needing done and birthdays coming up and … on it goes.

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