Gardening 2020 Rambles

My gardening is going OK, but it’s also being used by birds and a rabbit.

I have Kale growing, but it’s rather skimpily planted, next to that Swiss Chard, one of the few that came up was totally eradicated by one of the above, not eaten just taken apart.

The Kale was meant to add to salads from the store, or on a burger and I keep forgetting it now that it’s bigger and nice looking, but I haven’t ever grown it so … I don’t know.

Basil from seed takes a long time, but it’s finally getting bigger and useful. I have a lot of it. I want to keep some overwinter in the house, so I have to make sure I recall that information later on this year.

I planted some garlic, 9 cloves and that will be interesting to see what I get. I haven’t been successful in getting any ontions to even sprout. (Seeds)

I do have mint plants. I want them to be perennial, spread into the area I have them in. Why? We love mint ice cream! Mint Basil Ice Cream, Mint Ice Cream, Lemon Balm Mint Ice Cream, etc. I also have Lemon Balm growing.

My gardens are new this year, for the most part, 4 new cedar 4×4 raised beds, two of them attached with one being higher sided than the other 2-sets of that next to each other with a path between.

I have a more submerged 4×4 square that houses some of the above, Garlic, Parsley, Sage, and some of the Basil.

I also have cucumbers growing from seed, those have been SLOW, still not big overall, and not doing anything but that slow growing.

Sweet Potatoes were planted from a pack of plants purchased. They are growing vines like crazy.

Carrots are difficult I had planted seed in the old garden spot, mostly for naught then the one that was growing was beheaded.

I have two rows of carrots in a new garden, sprouting and growing nicely, culling out some of them is so heart rending difficult.

Oh, nearly forgot. Thyme. I grew Thyme from seed, but it wouldn’t do much, I had it in a raised herb garden frame, and something isn’t very good about it now, just crazyness, it used to be a good place, but the new garden soil I put in it just isn’t working.

I replanted a few of the Thyme sprouts and they are taking to another spot a bit better now. I put another group with them yesterday, so hopefully I’ll get some Thyme out of it.

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