New Years Eve Traditions
What New Years Eve/Day traditons do we have? Well only this: DH: FOOTBALL ME: Feel a clean-up cold-gray day no matter what the day outside is like. It’s like a clear-slate, clean-slate, whatever one wishes to call it. It’s like a New Year … and it’s organization day. It’s not that I’m good at it…
Merry Christmas Everyone!
It’s Christmas Eve, the tree is trimmed. It’s just a little trimmed, it’s a little tree. 4Ft. Tall, it looks like a minature Christmas Tree, it’s like a Full Fledged tree, just small. It’s also ALIVE. Alberta Spruce, of some sort, it’s going to get a couple or so feet taller, and end up about…
Christmas is closer, ready? Not us!
It’s Wednesday evening, well, still late-afternoon, but FEELS like evening, or has for the last half-hour plus. It’s 5:15pm right now. We are into Winter now, but it was kinda warm today, up to the mid-50’s. The house moderated out the last few days, with a space heater in our upstairs (master) bathroom, that seemed…
December is Here
Happy December! I find it funny to say that and then to say that today is warmer than the last day of November, so much so that on that day I wrote about how “chilly” things were. All day yesterday I was chilly, so it was in the house. Last night it wasn’t so much…
Turkey Scramble
Turkey (Left-Overs) Scramble Cubed Cooked Turkey, or chopped Butter Gravy In large frypan melt butter and toss in the stuffing and move it around here and there until it’s hot, or how hot you like it: crispy or not, if you like it more crispy use more butter, or use less butter if you want,…
Turkey Aftermath
Dinner is over, left-overs put away, some of the dishes washed, some not. 🙂 It was a hard afternoon. I didn’t get the turkey in the oven until later than I wanted. It took until after 5pm for it to be done. Then it had to sit, of course, while the stuffing was taken out…
New of the Holiday, and part was bad but better now
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I have bad thing new too, though. Last night somehow Strider, my favorite cat, got missing. [Update: 4:30pm He’s found!] Around 4am I heard someone downstairs and the garage door in the kitchen then shut loud. Frank went down and was Russell that did it. Well, I couldn’t get back to sleep…
Thanksgiving Eve
Today is, as Russell desires me to call it “Thanksgiving Eve” since there is a “Christmas Eve” :laugh: I’m currently making Victoria’s Birthday Cake for tomorrow, a New York Cheesecake. It’s in the oven with less than 40 minutes to go. I’m seriously thinking about making the Turkey and Stuffing today, but I’m not sure…
Holiday and Traditions
This week is a holiday week in our home, as it is for so many in the US. But for us, it’s a double-holiday on the same day, Victoria turns Six on the 25th. This is part and parcel of life for us since her birth, with her being born the evening before Thanksgiving Day,…
Whisper Mill Dead
My Whisper Mill just died this morning. I was grinding Spelt [to make the bread I needed to make today], the WM clogged up the shoot, and instantly shut off itself, fuse throw. Fine, that happens sometimes with spelt. No biggie. It happens so fast. I cleaned the flour shoots all out, dumped out the…
Post Election 2004 I
I’m chomping at the bit for Peroutka numbers for Georgia. All the other states too. I see in my own county that there are just over 100 Libertarian Candidate for Pres. this year. Peroutka was a Write-In in Georgia, so who knows when data will be available.
2004 Election Day – November 2
Today is Election Day in the United States of America, a.k.a. The USA, The US, and formerly known as “These United States”. Frank and I both voted this morning, with the three children by our sides. Voting has gone E-voting in Georgia this year. Touch Screen voting was easy. I sort of showed Russell what…
I Found my favorite bear on eBay!
We bought a bear at Dillards years ago. A teddy bear, that is. I love teddy bears, but haven’t had many in my lifetime, up to then, that is. So we saw this teddy bear in Dillards and it was just classically my kind of thing. I slept with it, yes, as a married adult,…
Babyfour Update
Please see the update on babyfour.
St. Patrick’s Day
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to y’all! My Irish eye’s ain’t smiling yet … I’m too tired for that 😉 Maybe later, when we have Corned Beef and potatoes and a Beamish to drink. OK, now I’m hungry. (I LOVE corned beef!) I’m tired and feel so fat. But those are my worst “symptoms” so far.…
Sun, Son, Sun, Son
The sun is shining a bit today. Clouds and sun intermittently. It’s a joy to see sun. The irony of it is that in just a few short months I’ll be sheilding myself from it as much as possible. My fingers will then be too warm, instead of the too cold of nowadays. I love…
Backyard Hawk
I was sitting here looking at something on the computer, and felt a need to look out the window to the backyard. What did I see, I did a double-take. Red-wing Hawk sitting on the Box Tower, one end of the “Jungle” play set we have. I had a few frightening minutes looking for my…
That Gorgeous September Moon
I just went out on the deck with my Canon Rebel 2000 after spying the moon through the glass of the French doors. It was gorgeous, looks full, but not exactly quite. I took at least 3 or 4 photos with my longest lense, using a night-time mode. I sure hope they turn out alright.…
Anniversary soon
Time is sure flying. It’s already August 19, which means Frank and me are drawing near to our 11th anniversary. It’ll happen on August 22. We’ve nothing extraordinary planned … still in the throws of poverty 😉 But climbing out soon, hopefully.
Things are looking up for us, a bit. Frank has at least one, with more coming onboard soon, sub-contracts to work for people. This will possibly mean we’ll be doing better than before getting out of CMD, the company he worked for when laid-off-terminated in December 2001. We have lots of “catch-up” to play, but…