Category: Travel

  • Status Quo

    We had a mini-vacation by going to Charlotte for CKC there last week. Hubby had business there too (made the trip useful for him to be able to create appointments since we’d be there.) It was nice, in some ways. Hard, in many ways. Nice to get home. Not nice to get home. Home is…

  • Travel for business and baseball

    We are in Tampa, as I have mentioned here – in a hotel that isn’t as nice as the one the night before, but that’s that. Embassy Suites in Tampa by the airport is really, really nice. We are now by the bay and it’s a different kind of place, very Florida and a crash…

  • The hotel we are in (Celebration, FL)

    We are in Fl, the Celebration area around Orlando, in a hotel named the Mona Lisa. ( It is quite nice. We have a 2 bedroom suite (Monet layout) and I can’t tell you through words how nice it is. It’s the most pleasant place we’ve stayed, as far as rooms go. The property is…

  • A Short Trip and Weather

    We’re going to FL for a couple of days, hubby has work there. I hope to get something in order for pictures (sorting, burning to discs, uploading, etc. Editing video … ) while we are there, since I won’t be at home with all the distractions … it’ll be a maybe, of course, since other…

  • Our Trip – Stop 2

    We are now in the Princeton, NJ area, not exactly, but sort of. No reason except for centrality of where hubbies appointments are the rest of the week. From Williamsport we drove to Easton, PA, where I was born and lived until I was 7 years old, when we moved to Williamsport. I saw the…

  • Our Trip – Stop 1

    We are in PA right now. We left early morning this past Saturday (driving) and have been in one of my hometowns since Saturday night, Williamsport. I lived here with my family from the age of 7 to 13, then we moved to FL. That was the hardest move I’ve ever made. It killed so…

  • Florida Trip

    We were in Florida last week, into the weekend. Our niece (Frank’s) got married, hence the trip. It was a nice wedding. Lovely bride and ceremony, nice reception. Many Happy Congrats to the couple. We left on Wednesday morning and got there in the evening. It was HOT. It’s hot in the Atlanta area, where…

  • Orlando Fl and Epcot

    We got home late last night from Florida — after midnight, actually, which is “technically” today. DH had business there (wed, fri, sat,) and we also took a day, Thursday, to go to a Disney park, Epcot — first time for the whole family. DH and I have both been there together a few times,…

  • Lexington, KY

    We left MI on Friday morning and drove to Lexington, KY, where we had a hotel reservation. This cut our trip basically in half. We can go multiple ways home, so this one was by choice, for the views it brings. The Lexington side of Kentucky is very horse farmy, with a few cows here…