Category: General

  • My Colors

    I’ve been looking at the book “Color Me Beautiful” by Carole Jackson on Amazon, “looking inside” it as much as I can, online that is. I don’t own the book, never have. I’m familiar with the concepts since the early 80’s through many sources at the time. Anyhow, I reached my “limit” in how many…

  • November 8 ’07 – First Fireplace Morning

    I’ve known for a few days that the weather would be cooler and cooler this week, and so prepared for wanting a fire in the fireplace this morning. Indeed, it’s nice. Outside it’s frosty. It was frosty yesterday, but not nearly so much as today shows Jack’s visit (on the grass and the vehicles parked…

  • A/C of August (problem solved)

    We were in Florida last week, got home on Saturday, and walked into a very, very, very hot house. We knew while we were away that the temperatures had gone insane at home … but inside the house they shouldn’t have, we did leave the A/C on –in the mid-to-high-70’s — but it was so…

  • Baby Q – 3 weeks Old

    Baby Q is 3 weeks old now … getting older. He’s sleeping a decent 4 to 5 hours stretch at nighttime the past week or so. Last feeding somewhere near midnight, and then usually not until 5am, sometimes 4am, or 4:30am, or 5:30am, but 5am is pretty standard (and nicer on old me.) During the…

  • 40 Wks + 5 Days – Labor Morning

    On Saturday, June 23, 2007 I was 5 days “overdue” and quite frustrated after the midwives left (see my previous post.) I burst out in tears when talking to my husband about it as they pulled out of the driveway. I really felt that I wasn’t even awake enough to judge my own state, did…

  • 40 Wks + 4 Days – 2

    On Friday, June 22, 2007 I was overdue 4 days … that is 40 Weeks + 4 Days. My contractions continued all day, changing to greater intensity and constancy later in the afternoon, and we did call the midwife to update her … and later in the evening it was decided that they’d come on…

  • 39 Weeks

    Today I am 39 + 0 (wks + days) along in my pregnancy. I’m still plugging along … misery and non-misery days … just depending on how much I’ve done, what’s going on, what I’ve eaten recently or in the recent past, etc. On this past Friday my diaper order was delivered via Fed Ex.…

  • 38 Wks – Midwife Home Visit – getting ready for baby

    I’m 38 + 1 (wks+days) today. Yesterday I had my Home Visit and it went well. I measured 39wks, and my BP was alright, they had me lay on my left side for awhile before attempting a reading, and it worked out well. About 2 weeks ago I measured right on for my weeks of…

  • My Pregnancy 2007 Page

    I wanted to draw attention to the sidebar under “Pages” –way down the list look for “My Pregnancy 2007” and click on it to get a list of posts from newest to eldest on this blog and my other blog that are related to my pregnancy –either completely or side-related, referencing it in some way.…

  • Lasagna with fresh Kamut noodles (food)

    I made lasagna for dinner last night (Friday night.) I made fresh Kamut lasagna noodles … the first time I’ve ever used my own pasta for the noodles of such. Oooh it was so good! I just “made them” and didn’t look up any info on size to make the lasagna noodles (the number of…

  • Vanilla Ice Cream

    Vanilla Ice Cream, homemade with raw ingredients, as found in Nourishing Traditions on page 550.

  • Hiatus Over

    This is my first post on this blog since late 2005. I closed it down, intending to move posts from here to my other blog, not all, just some, and started working on it via a MySQL text file, but became thoroughly worn out by the enormity of the job that I quit and kept…

  • Changes

    I’m getting things ready to change this site. I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing yet, but I’m probably going to merge this blog into my hyperthinking blog, or make a third set-up over there … or …. I don’t know. I might be deleting some posts from this actual blog content, but then again,…

  • New Moon coming

    This picture was taken with my Canon Digital Rebel at 6:38am on October 29, 2005, from my second floor bedroom window, without glass or screen in the way. The moon info for this precise time (courtesy of QuickPhasePro, a moon phase program): Moon Rise: 4:29am Moon Set: 5:04pm Phase Name: Waning Crecent (translation respectively: Getting…

  • Happy November (2005)

    It’s now November, another increment of 2005 gone … the years go by faster and faster as you get older … this I know from experience and from the knowlege imparted to me by elders over time. At some points time seems to crawl and others to fly fastly by, but this is not what…

  • Common Orb Weaver

    Common Orb Weaver Originally uploaded by CrazyMaisy. I wrote about this spider the other week. I’ll load up more pictures and write about it more later. Go ahead and click the picture, I have a few more pictures loaded now on Flickr … which you can access via the picture’s link.

  • Autumn is truly here

    I got an audio book from Audible today, for the Autumn season … it’s not a “Halloween” thing, we “don’t do halloween”. It’s a spooky audio book though. The cool weather has finally arrived. It was unseasonably warm (really hot) just the other week, and the last four or five days has been heavenly. Tonight…

  • audiobooks

    I’ve always liked the IDEA of listening to “audiobooks” but haven’t really done that, maybe something like it in the “old days” of the 80’s to early 90’s … anyhow, I do not OWN any. So on an email list today someone mentioned and that they are having a sale on right now, on…

  • Ugh

    I’ve had a very rough day. I was supposed to be able to paint one or two rooms today thru this weekend, but the way things have gone, there’s no way. Asa, just turned 5-year-old is on a rampage of disobedience and no matter what I do, he’s behind me doing something horrid. The boys…

  • Can you see it?

    Providing a link to my other post. 🙂